Yes, I know but only working weekends it is a necessary evil:(
Anyone know a reliable agency? Fed up to the back teeth with ADR, cancellation after cancellation. Even had calls as to why I have not turned up, yet have a text cancelling me the night before!!..cancelled off again this weekend too late last night, well 0006 this morning by text actually.
And, yet MORE staff changes at their Bristol office. Never know who the heck you are talking too… and emails? Never get any replies at all.
Looking for a reliable agency that ‘remembers’ when an assessment has taken place at a site (appears no one remembers the NFT one I did along the same day as the Co op assessment - not that I want to go there mind). Have asked now for over 2 years for a Tesco assessment but not a single attempt has been given.
Are Milestones any good?
Any details appreciated as it is time to move off ADR.
I am based in West Wick, Weston super Mare so central to most areas of work.
ADR are a waste of time up at NFT Penrith as well, same thing, book you then cancel with less than 2 hours notice.
I’ve got my own back a couple of times though when they have been desperate and struggling to find a driver… " Oh, I’m sorry, I’m washing my hair tonight "
I live in the NE of England. I first worked for agencies on the late 90s and never had a problem. Loads of work etc. started doing agency work again in the last couple of months, and have to say I’m not impressed. Last minute changes cancellations and in some cases outright lies just to keep you hanging on! I’m sure there not all like that, are they?
There is no such thing as a ‘Decent agency’ all are scammers that charge companies high rates and pay drivers the lowest they can get away with, all of them should be closed down and the owners be charged with fraud.
The late '90s was a bit of a gloden age for agency work. There really were more jobs than drivers then, so agencies would try all sorts to recruit drivers. I was a newly qyualified class 2 driver then, and within days of passing my test, I was on a guaranteed wage (as long as I kept myself available they’d pay me 8 hours, whether I worked or not), time an a half after 8 hours, night shift rate for hours worked before 6am or after 6pm and they put me through my HIAB ticket and would have sent me on an ADR course too. They also helped with my class 1 licence. And all the time I was on £7/hour basic for daytime class 2 work. Compare this to the situation we’re in now …
I use Best Connection in Taunton do occasional work in Weston and a lot in Highbridge, there are a few around Bridgwater as well. Think they might have a Bristol Office as well
I never got any work at all out of ADR, only endless offers to go on unpaid assessments.
Best Connection only ever offered me work miles away at very short notice. After I turned down a couple, they never bothered phoning me again. FFS we’re talking about “Go to London and be there within the hour” (I’m 40 miles outside London) and the call would invariably be at tea time, so I’d have to commute through rush hour traffic as well, skip my dinner, be ready to leave straight away when the call came, and of course I’ve been up all day as well.
Milestone… I couldn’t get in there unless I joined the umbrella, according to the bird at Dartford trying to recruit me. Seeing as they were only paying £9ph inside the M26 for C+E work, I didn’t turn up for the assessment. No point throwing good money before bad.
Pat Hasler:
There is no such thing as a ‘Decent agency’ all are scammers that charge companies high rates and pay drivers the lowest they can get away with, all of them should be closed down and the owners be charged with fraud.
I agree but the problem is that they have gained too much of a hold in the haulage industry so it won’t happen.
When they first came about it was worked on a basis of a driver hiring out his services, but now they call the shots, a bit like lunatics taking over the asylum.
Parasitic bar stewards the lot of em.
Give these a try, if you want work at Tesco I’m not sure what the pay is like but their drivers seem to stick around and appear to be reasonably happy.