Looking for companies to apply to for work

Hey guys and girls, long time no speak :slight_smile:

I hope everyone is well…

I’m moving from Essex to Southampton at the end of April, so after spending the last 6/7 years since i passed my test on the milk tankers, it’s time to leave and find a new job.

Does anybody have any companies around the Southampton area that i could ask for work? I’m aware that the docks will have work for the bigger companies, but i don’t want to limit myself to just looking for work in that area.

I’m more than happy getting dirty (after years spent on farms anything is clean), so anything from animal feed, bulk tippers, cement etc, or any type of tanker work would suit me fine, as that’s all i’ve driven since i passed my test. I won’t mind the odd night out2 or 3 per week, but i’m not one to be away all week personally, so tramping is a no no :slight_smile:

Any help is appreciated
