Looking for advice possible unfair dismissal claim?

That’s quite a three months and you’ve seen more ‘action’ than I have in all the years that I have worked. Some good advice has been given by the likes of Juddian and Robroy and others and all you can do is go and leave what sounds like a ■■■■ firm to it.

Ignoring the rest, I certainly wouldn’t have been using a company phone to make personal calls at any time, let alone during a trial period. That’s asking for trouble.

How late were you on these three occasions?

2 occasions were maybe 15minutes to 1/2 hour late… once was 2 and a half hours lol but that was an extra shift and I still got finished and fuelled up before 2 other guys [emoji14]

NO justification though but you know what us humans are like with their excuses

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Olog Hai:
That’s quite a three months and you’ve seen more ‘action’ than I have in all the years that I have worked. Some good advice has been given by the likes of Juddian and Robroy and others and all you can do is go and leave what sounds like a [zb] firm to it.

Ignoring the rest, I certainly wouldn’t have been using a company phone to make personal calls at any time, let alone during a trial period. That’s asking for trouble.

Good point, and regarding the company phone just previous employers I’ve had never once questioned phone bills and I’m quite the talker on long journeys lol.
Me thinking that since I’ve tanned all my minutes I’m due some recompense and I was not screwing up the process of selling my old ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ car! Lol.

Thanks for all the replys and I’m not uploading the mpeg… at this moment in time [emoji14]

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3 months- 2 years you can get booted with almost no redress- unless you fall into some strict criteria , you have no chance of an unfair dismissal claim., If your discriminated against and lose your job because or your race, religion, ■■■, ■■■■■■■■■ or disability then there is no time limit but bear in mind, in those cases it is up to you to provide proof , not up to the employer to defend an accusation- the cards are all in the employers hand

Can’t add anything really but hope your wifes OK.

Move on to better things or at least an employer that don’t mind you being late and nicking stuff… :wink:

3) When I started working for them they didn’t supply or make me aware I was entitled to a company phone for over 3 weeks and I tanned all the minutes on my contract. When I started moaning about it they gave me one and at that time I was in the process of selling my car and buying a new one so used their phone to complete the deal.
I CAN PROVE ONLY 58MINUTES WORTH OF CALLS ON MY OWN PHONE JUST NOW AS THAT IS TO THE MAIN OFFICE NUMBER… I would have to telephone back all random numbers to find out which ones are work and which personal but estimate over 200minutes used… Again the prick doesn’t see my point and I’ve told him to invoice me and il invoice him but he doesn’t like the sound of that ;(


NEVER EVER USE YOUR OWN PHONE!!! even if you use the free minutes.

Unless you post the evidence, it never happened.