been looking around for a good company to do my training through. been pointed towards pathway as apparently there training is good and they offer help with finance. would appreciate any coments on pathway both good and bad. thanks would also appreciate any other possible schools icould look at i live in north yorkshire.
They do not do any training themselves and just sub the training out to other training companies.
You can go direct to the companies who will do the training cheaper for you direct.
Do not pay for a back to back course (i.e C & C+E) because the money you pay for your C+E course will be swollowed up by the retraining you will need to pass your cat C because you will not get enough training to get to the test standard.
Go to a company who will assess you first so that you get enough training initially before your test.
Good Luck
Welcome wilson.roy
Pleas click on the link in my signature for some tips etc
Evening Wilson Roy,
Try Tockwith training near York.
Regards Smokinbarrels
Hi Wilson.roy
go to and search for lgv training north yorkshire
My company comes up top of the list we have yellow trucks.
Its such a minefield choosing a training provider, the best way is to visit a few companies in your local area for an assessment and then decide which you prefer to use. Things to watch for are:
Companies quoting 4 days training but each day only lasts 4 hours, this will only give you 16 hours driving which is too few hours training if you want to pass. Our four days totals 30 hours driving. So ask how many hours you get and work out the hourly rate you are being charged. We recently lost a contract to a competitor doing short days and so far out the 13 drivers they have trained on 16 hour courses only one has passed! Obviously we felt sorry for them!
On a course with two pupils in the cab you pretty much get the same result as above because your only driving half the day. I remember when a 2:1 course would last 10 days because thats how much time two new drivers really need to pass, due to the high level of competition I don’t think these even exist any longer. Shame really when you think of all the new drivers out there that get pushed through the test in a few days, somehow manage to pass and then the next day with hardly any knowledge can be driving a loaded truck up your street, to be honest its a scandal, if only the public knew what was happening.
Make sure they run quality vehicles, don’t have to be new trucks, I’d rather take my test in a 6 year old Volvo than 1 year old merc.
Make sure the instructors are DSA Registered, its an optional scheme but any good driving school will be constantly trying to develop the ability of their instructors. It costs a lot of money to get an instructor through the Instructor Register but think of it like this, if the company can’t be arsed to pay for the instructor to get some sort of qualification than what effort are they going to put into your training. We have put drivers through the RTITB instructor test since the late 1980’s and DSA one in more recent years. I’m not saying non registered instructors are no good at the job but I know mine get better pass rates than the other local companies with untrained instructors left to just figure out the job themselves.
I could rant all day, but at some point I have to sleep!
Hope make some wise choices.
Thanks Smokinbarrels.
Tockwith Training:
Make sure the instructors are DSA Registered, its an optional scheme but any good driving school will be constantly trying to develop the ability of their instructors. It costs a lot of money to get an instructor through the Instructor Register but think of it like this, if the company can’t be arsed to pay for the instructor to get some sort of qualification than what effort are they going to put into your training. We have put drivers through the RTITB instructor test since the late 1980’s and DSA one in more recent years. I’m not saying non registered instructors are no good at the job but I know mine get better pass rates than the other local companies with untrained instructors left to just figure out the job themselves.
A contentious point and is being discussed HERE