Looking after number one

Too late, as long as “I’m alright”, sod anyone else syndrome

Care to elaborate■■? :wink:

tango boy:
Care to elaborate■■? :wink:

I imagine it has something to do with this thread :wink:


tango boy:
Care to elaborate■■? :wink:

I imagine it has something to do with this thread :wink:

Ah :wink:

Yep I will elaborate, this must be the only trade that people accept disgusting conditions for very low pay. Pay is one thing but it’s also how you are valued by society and other workers. Is it ok that because you are a driver you are lowest in the food chain? Has nobody got the galls to say “no”?


I say ‘No’ on a regular basis, admittedly this is regarding my own urges.
In general I’m confident enough in my financial position to say No, or bollox I’m out of hours or any security guards giving it the bigun will get it back in spades or any crap from my boss will be ignored.
I just do things my way.

OK then I woke up.

In reality our job is pretty much gettin crap from A to B hopefully in the timeframe specified, we will sometimes encounter the odd adventure enroute but thats all there is to it really. Just sit back and relax. Our times are legally goverened so its virtually impossible to get an infringement (apart from stupid drivers and unforseen circumstances of course). Simply man up do the job as best as you can and take your chuffing breaks / rest periods before you break the law.

Yep I will elaborate, this must be the only trade that people accept disgusting conditions for very low pay. Pay is one thing but it’s also how you are valued by society and other workers. Is it ok that because you are a driver you are lowest in the food chain? Has nobody got the galls to say “no”?

As i have put many times conditions for drivers will never change when you have drivers who will work for frilly curtains or more lights instead of wages.

i love my job,and all that it entails.

Gosh, this kind of thing never ceases to amaze me. What exactly makes drivers the only undervalued members of the workforce?

I’ve got news for you kiddo. Every industry has people that feel undervalued. But the simple fact of it is, in every sector there are people that are well paid, and people who are paid buttons by comparison.

The argument that if we stopped then the UK would ground to a halt doesn’t hold water either. The simple fact of the matter is if any group of people stop doing that particular job then the rest of us would get upset pretty quick.

So I’ve come up with a plan. If you feel like you are being taken for a ride up your very own Hershy Highway, then leave your job, and go and get one that is more pleasing to you. Life is too short to be unhappy at work!

Yep I will elaborate


this must be the only trade that people accept disgusting conditions for very low pay

Speak for yourself! I certainly don’t and I know many, many drivers on here don’t either.

Pay is one thing but it’s also how you are valued by society and other workers

I am generally treated well by society and other workers. This may be down to my attitude towards society and other workers as a whole. Just a thought.

Is it ok that because you are a driver you are lowest in the food chain?

I’m not in a food chain. Perhaps your particular problem is that you feel that you are.

Has nobody got the galls to say “no”?

Yes I do and I do say “No” on fairly regular basis. But as the firm I work for don’t ask the impossible, treat me with respect and pay me very well for my services, I don’t say it as often as I used to.

Now, just for future reference, if you have any other pointless posts to make, may I direct you to the answer given in Arkell v Pressdram (1971)


What he said

“I’m alright”, sod anyone else syndrome

Yep. If you work for crap wages under crap conditions, that’s your silly fault.
I don’t need a union, if an employer ■■■■■■ me off I just jack and find another…
…I’m quite good at it. :wink:

Once upon a time! :grimacing: " I joined the union! " :laughing: proper Ts & Cs :sunglasses:

Yep I will elaborate, this must be the only trade that people accept disgusting conditions for very low pay. Pay is one thing but it’s also how you are valued by society and other workers. Is it ok that because you are a driver you are lowest in the food chain? Has nobody got the galls to say “no”?

Interesting ! personally i don’t consider my self the lowest in the food train as you put it , and I wouldn’t allow anyone to treat me as such maybe that’s where your going wrong minger ,just a thought mind


Yep I will elaborate, this must be the only trade that people accept disgusting conditions for very low pay. Pay is one thing but it’s also how you are valued by society and other workers. Is it ok that because you are a driver you are lowest in the food chain? Has nobody got the galls to say “no”?

Interesting ! personally i don’t consider my self the lowest in the food train as you put it , and I wouldn’t allow anyone to treat me as such maybe that’s where your going wrong minger ,just a thought mind

You may not, but there are plenty out there who do!

Again with the whining about pay & conditions. It always amuses me when people complain about there level of pay, not just in this job but any really. Can I take it pay levels were discussed at interview? If not why did you say yes to the job, if yes why are you complaining about them now.


Yep I will elaborate, this must be the only trade that people accept disgusting conditions for very low pay. Pay is one thing but it’s also how you are valued by society and other workers. Is it ok that because you are a driver you are lowest in the food chain? Has nobody got the galls to say “no”?

As i have put many times conditions for drivers will never change when you have drivers who will work for frilly curtains or more lights instead of wages.

Yep :neutral_face:

NO… I make/have a very good living out of this industry, but we are Unionised.

Bacon sandwich , love the Arkell v Pressdram ref. Just looked it up , reminded me that Private Eye is always worth a read.
Foxtrot Oscar indeed !