This is for you mr longs of leed driver, if you are either fortunate or unfortunate to read it. When I pull out into the middle lane to let a driver out from trowel services, I am doing so because I am being courteus (spelling?) You can catch me up at brake neck speed and drive up my arse swerving from left to right to let me know you are there all you want You cant drive over me, or under me, so if you fancy a face full of my trailer, then you are welcome to it you muppet. Its tossers like you that make me no longer want to do this job. I was going to take your reg and report you but you are not the only one from your company who I have witnessed driving like a moron ( sorry to anyone if you drive for them, Iam not trying to tar everyone with the same brush) If you fancy killing yourself by driving like this this then go and do it away from me because I dont need the likes of you either shoving me off the road or into anything else should the traffic ahead suddenly stops
The sooner something gets done about this tailgaiting business the better. Its everyday now with some lorry drivers, why would anyone want to drive so close in the first place Just so fed up with this a lately, it really peeves me off.
another thing that annoy’s me is when you pull out to let another wagon onto the motorway from the onslip and you are 3/4’s of the way past them and they don’t let you pull back in.
i was travelling east on the m8 today in front of me is a rigid driver. as we where approaching the on slip to the m8 from blochern i noticed an artic was on the i pull’s out and flashed the rigid driver out ( which he did and said thanks).the said artic had a clear run onto the i was behind him on the m/way except in middle lane,so i pulled back into the inside lane,but the rigid lad was nearly passed the artic driver,but instead of him ( artic) holding back and let the rigid in he decided sod you i’m going faster than you i’ll not let him in.instead he decides to come up on the inside and go past the rigid guy.i flashed the lad in and the artic just went on his merry way not a care in the world.for them who know who pull’s taylor bernard trl’s then i hope you ain’t all like that
The other week I was overtaking an artic on the M1. The front of my cab was level with the back of his and he starts indicating to pull out. I am NOT going to slow down the full length of an artic just to let him out, so I continue (I’m quite a bit faster than he is, anyway). As I pull level with him I see his arms thrown in the air (and fingers!).
Why do these idiots think they have the right of way?
I used to be the same 1-2 mph faster than the one infront taking an age to pass getting more and more frustrated even jumping up and down in the seat for some reason never seemed to help lol
I now sit at 51/52 mph and watch the world go by, the only thing that gets annoying is flashing a lot of wagons in, So on here if u pass a lorry doing 51/52 mph and he doesn’t flash twas me I would of done and probably said to myself ur clear but mind to hand co-ordanation drops off after the 20/25th lorry lol!!
And it says in the Highway Code,that you do not enter a road from a sliproad,unless the way is clear.
People automatically think they have a God given right,to enter the carriageway,when they should realise that the lines on the sliproad are actually classed as give way lines.
At a place I used to work I had an argument with a class 1 driver (of 10 years). He was convinced that traffic on the motorway MUST give way to traffic on the slip road. We argued very loudly for about 20 minutes. I even said that my class 2 instructor had told me NOT to give way to ajoining traffic & he said my instructor was wrong! He must have taken up my invitation to look it up on the web because I never heard anything more about it!
At one point he said that he had seen a traffic cop say it on one of those ‘police, camera, action’ type programmes.
The other week I was coming down the M6 just at Killington Lake services.
Just as I was going past the exit from the services a car comes out to join the motorway. I check the mirror to see if it’s clear to move over.
It isn’t so I stay put and keep going. As I checked my mirror I see he is running down the hard shoulder.
He eventually slows down a bit then comes around the back of me then comes up alongside with the horn blaring and then all the usual hand signals.
He was another that thought I must give way to him.
The thing was if he had half a brain he would have seen that he could have easily accelerated and joined the motorway in front of me.
It seems to me that a lot of people don’t know that how to use these lanes, to match the speed of the traffice already on the road and then filter in safely.
The other week I was coming down the M6 just at Killington Lake services.
Just as I was going past the exit from the services a car comes out to join the motorway. I check the mirror to see if it’s clear to move over.
It isn’t so I stay put and keep going. As I checked my mirror I see he is running down the hard shoulder.
He eventually slows down a bit then comes around the back of me then comes up alongside with the horn blaring and then all the usual hand signals.
He was another that thought I must give way to him.
The thing was if he had half a brain he would have seen that he could have easily accelerated and joined the motorway in front of me.
It seems to me that a lot of people don’t know that how to use these lanes, to match the speed of the traffice already on the road and then filter in safely.
There is of course an element of drivers that do not know how to join motorways properly, but most do and choose not to, it’s the ‘I can get in front’ mentality.
Whats really sad about all of this, is the fact that a lot of the ignorance comes from other lorry drivers and we are all doing the same job. Whats the point in rushing about all over the place anyway, they only give you more to do. Chill out, it works wonders
I saw something a couple of weeks ago on the M62 near Bradford which amazed me.
A truck from Ramage Transport joined the motorway a few hundred yards in front of me and went straight out into the middle almost taking the side out of a couple of cars.He then started weaving about all over the place,into the 1st and 3rd lanes doing around 40mph.
After a mile or so of this I was getting a bit peaved off,so I gingerly crept up the inside of him and was amazed at what I saw.
He’d got an A4 pad on the steering wheel,phone in one hand and pen in the other writing something down
He hadn’t got a clue about what was going on around him
Where’s plod when you need 'em?
Try driving at 50mph, I find this works wonders… Let all the muppets up your arse go, take a chill pill and enjoy the countryside… Works for me… Stress Level - Zero.
I find that if you’ve got a truck with cruise control life is much easier at 50mph, but easier at on the limiter if you haven’t. On Motorways naturally.
first of all.the slip road: a slip road is of average 200-300 yards long and that is for you to adjust your speed to blend in with the traffic at the end of it is dashed lines which indicate it is a give way. second: i used to work for longs the family is nice enough and chris long is decent enough face to face but on more than one occasion i heard him say " all drivers are tossers " (sorry denis ) the firm is now full of agency drivers the wagons used to be good a few years ago and was one of the first to have daf xfs but now has gone down hill nobody looks after their lorrys and there is far to much favoritism which is really blatent from what i can make out know all longs want to do is milk it for every penny they can and stuff everyone else and by employing all agency they are keeping down the drivers wages which is a pittance and no parking paid.
Hmmm… Someone said only a week ago that the majority of wagon drivers drive like [zb] and I was shot down in flames…
I guess this thread speaks for itself then .
In fairness I had one in the ‘minority’ of good wagon drivers bracket today and it was a rigid tipper driver too . I’d come off the M60 from Prestwich onto the M66 northbound and once the lane had merged with the main carriageway I found myself having to brake due to some car driving clowns in front doing about 40mph. I had this tipper start coming past me in the middle lane and I didn’t even get chance to put me indicator on when he eased right off and flashed me out . I waved me hand in the mirror and gave him some indicator flashes - like you do - and pulled back in as soon as I could and then eased off again to let in front, even though it turned out I had the edge anyway . I gave him another wave as he came past and he tooted me and gave me a wave back and then I flashed him in and everyone was happy !