Longs of Leeds

Working at Longs in Hull on Tuesday. WTF are they? Woman at agency bleated on about Finland Terminal wherever the hell that is. Is it the old Finanglia terminal on King George Docks?

Road Haulage Services: J Long & Sons Ltd
Address: Hedon Rd, Hull, HU9 1NJ.
Telephone: 01482 799657
enter postcode into multimap :smiley:

Working at Longs in Hull on Tuesday. WTF are they? Woman at agency bleated on about Finland Terminal wherever the hell that is. Is it the old Finanglia terminal on King George Docks?

go in the last dock gate and follow the road round past the container terminal then the office block comes up on the right. the office is one downstairs.

i would have thought you would have had to go to the yard though :question:

it will be a very steady day though… unless your the shunter.

Apparently Finland terminal is a dedicated paper terminal.

Finland Terminal
Queen Elizabeth Dock,

Long’s Hull depot telephone number is
01482 799-657

peter is the bloke in charge with his 2nd in command steven. 2 very good bosses.

jessicas dad:

Working at Longs in Hull on Tuesday. WTF are they? Woman at agency bleated on about Finland Terminal wherever the hell that is. Is it the old Finanglia terminal on King George Docks?

go in the last dock gate and follow the road round past the container terminal then the office block comes up on the right. the office is one downstairs.

i would have thought you would have had to go to the yard though :question:

it will be a very steady day though… unless your the shunter.

Ah, so the place on the docks is the old Finanglia terminal - pulled plenty out of there years ago so know the way.

Yeah…she went on about not being able to miss it for the masses of units parked up so that suggest to me their yard as you say but then she bleated on about the docks. TBH I don’t think she knew what the hell she was on about. I take it that’s on Old Hedon Road where the postcode points to? Possibly the place that used to be a massive pallet yard a few years ago?

Thanks to all. I think I might just ring em up on the way in. At least one place is only 10 minutes from the other and I can always blame the agency.

Nice to know it’s going to be an easy day. Apparently I’ve got to take my night out gear just in case so I might get a decent run out and at least I know where their place is in Leeds as I used to deliver to Richmond Ices just across the road.

Apparently Finland terminal is a dedicated paper terminal.

Finland Terminal
Queen Elizabeth Dock,

Long’s Hull depot telephone number is
01482 799-657

Indeed it is and doing reels is about the easiest job you can get outside of reefers.

yep conor it used to be a well steady job. the yard is opposite the furthest dock gate on hedon rd.