This may have been done before but lets do it again. Currently Ive just clicked into my 26th hour outside a Coke Cola factory in Hungary waiting to be unloaded. A new record for me. Previous best was 17 hours on the bay at DSV in Thurrock. Supposed to have this weekend off in Bristol too. Its starting to get me down at this stage. How can these big companies be so incompetent? We do get paid waiting but thats not the point, we get paid more rolling and we’ve already lost one backload that would have got me to Bristol for the weekend. Well done Coke Cola, shockingly inefficient
Maybe get a piece of cardboard write on it, in Hungarian “Free Coke” and get your arse back to Bristol, silly but tempting.
Well i can’t compete with 26 hours i think my best was about 9 hours at the old Safeway RDC just South of Glasgow somewhere about 24 years ago and in hindsight i would have had 9 hours off and started agian.
12 hours only for me.
4 days at the Lietkablis factory in Lithuania!!
Mine was at Goodyear Dunlop at Wolverhampton last October. I arrived on Monday morning with a load of silica and they were broken down. I left on Friday afternoon leaving the trailer there. I rang them every couple of days to see if I could tip it. I eventually went back in the second week in January to tip it lol.
Other than that I’ve sat at Tata Northwich for 36 hours and been on the loading weigh bridge twice for 18 hours lol.
39 hours at ryvita in poole. I was 3 hours early though
I arrived on Monday morning with a load of silica and they were broken down. I left on Friday afternoon …
What did you record for that time … rest?
More importantly, did you get paid for all 5 days?
48 hours waiting too tip carrots once when the factory brokedown, they got it fixed it tipped two trucks and brokedown again, myself the 18 other trucks that were left tipped off there loads at various farms round the Peterborough area
I think your firm will probly make more out of the demurrage than rolling switch. Being miserly, say £25 per hour x 22 hours say = £550 for doing bobbins & not burning the go juice. Jeez, I’d stay there all week!
I know what you mean about the boredom of it though & the futility. I can’t deal with it, have to be moving & dancing so don’t have any long wait story’s, my best was probly the 5 hours odd in BHS at Atherstone there a while back, pales in to insignificance compared to yours though.
This may have been done before but lets do it again. Currently Ive just clicked into my 26th hour outside a Coke Cola factory in Hungary waiting to be unloaded. A new record for me. Previous best was 17 hours on the bay at DSV in Thurrock. Supposed to have this weekend off in Bristol too. Its starting to get me down at this stage. How can these big companies be so incompetent? We do get paid waiting but thats not the point, we get paid more rolling and we’ve already lost one backload that would have got me to Bristol for the weekend. Well done Coke Cola, shockingly inefficient
750 horses raring to go and held up by a can of coke. Shame in Coke.
How is Bertie coping with the boredom.
Worst thing is I’m well over my hours. Had to put it on other work because I’m not free to fly to Uganda on holiday.
3 days at a new power station in Avonmouth- every trip and I did six on the trot
The longest I ever waited while empty for a backload was 5 days in Italy, in August. Did my head in!
32 hours ponca ciyy oklaholma. City is a bit of an overstatement for the place too.
This may have been done before but lets do it again. Currently Ive just clicked into my 26th hour outside a Coke Cola factory in Hungary waiting to be unloaded. A new record for me. Previous best was 17 hours on the bay at DSV in Thurrock. Supposed to have this weekend off in Bristol too. Its starting to get me down at this stage. How can these big companies be so incompetent? We do get paid waiting but thats not the point, we get paid more rolling and we’ve already lost one backload that would have got me to Bristol for the weekend. Well done Coke Cola, shockingly inefficient
Why the delay in being tipped?
Genuine ■■■■ up at the recipients (machinery failure etc)
communication/paperwork failure by the sending company
late or early arrival for booking in time resulting in recipient having to re-schedule production
spiteful punishment for late or early arrival for booking in time
spiteful punishment for servile/grovelling failure by driver
Recipient incompetence
cost of dangling driver is less than cost of maintaining proper supply protocol
2 days loading at Yoplait just outside Brussels. Some numpty contaminated the day’s production so 4 of us had to wait for them to knock up some more.
It was my birthday as well, so we all piled into the little ‘frites’ place opposite for some beers.
3 days to get a load of planing despite a Podimore to Portsmouth drive everyday job cancelled x3
Thinking aloud here.Can you leave the truck and get a plane back to Bristol?
Can another driver get out there or meet to swap trailers or units?
Will you see Gorillas in Uganda up in the hills?
I saw the film with Forest Whitaker who played Idi Amein.
Can you pull out and cancel the loading and run empty for something else.?
Visit the Jenner museum in Thornbury,Slimbridge bird sanctuary,Blaize castle,Durham park and house near Bath and Hooters by the Watershed night clubs and trendy cafes.
Bristol Zoo,Clifton suspension bridge and some very old ship in the old harbour.
Regards Tobybobs the official tour guide.
Yer tiz on your left.Yer tiz on the left my lovelies.
Had few long waits, for various reasons, RDC incompetence, machinery breakdown, but the longest was only about 12 hours. So can’t compete with yours.
However reading your post did make me think of something posted on another thread yesterday by a member of this forum who seems to think European work is the be all and end all of haulage. I’ll leave you to work out if he has a clue what he’s talking about and who he might be, give you something to do to pass the hours.
distance European full load work is really as good as it gets and everything else is just lots of aggravation and/or boredom for the same,or even less,money in real terms