Long way of saying hi

Hey all! Thought id introduce myself on here as I’ve enjoyed reading through the forum!

Well I’m Neil and I stay in Kelso in the borders. Im in my Mid 20s and last year I realised that my job was making me miserable despite a (slightly) better than average wage and thought it was about time I trade wealth (please detect the undertones of irony) for doing something I actually want to do!

Thus far I’ve got through my cat c and cpc and have got various shifts through an agency the highlight of which being the bin lorries around Edinburgh (back on it this week)!

What I really want to do is tramping, obviously in an artic one day (c+e is booked for spring) but I just can’t wait to live on the road!! Eventually I would love some continental work but we’ll see what happens!!

I get I have to work my way up through the agency ■■■■■ and get my experience the same as most do and to be fair the commute is the only thing that ■■■■■■ me off due to there being no agency work within an hour of me!

Anyway that was a long way of saying hi!


Welcome. And all the best with your career development.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Welcome Neil.

Good luck with the future your still young enough to pick up sticks and move to a more convenient place closer to RDC.

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

Anyone have any ideas on better agencies than driver hire??

Ow do Scotty lad,Kelso the home of fine fishing no less.

I’m no help to you but all I can say is that any driving you do now is good experience to write down,you’re lucky kid,at 20,when work gets you down just think of it paying for you to get to a job you love,
You have time,don’t get in debt over it,pay your bills,save a bit and use the rest of your wage from the job you hate to pay for your travelling to the job you love and eventually you be there.

Ahhh,to be a ghillie on the Tweed.

It sure is Bri although I’m not a fisherman myself!!!

Thanks for the advice that’s what I’m thinking about experience, certainly while being on the scaffy wagon isn’t the most desirable work I’ve been doing some manoeuvres down tight city centre cul de sacs that I wouldn’t be doing in many other lines of driving work!!