Long one.- completed by Calv & biggus (again)

I’ll give you a clue, there’s a fair bit more of this that is not in the picture.

Is it Chapel viaduct?

Thats Harringworth / Seaton Viaduct in Rutland. 82 arches and the longest brick arch viaduct in the world. Think the brickies earnt their cash with that one!


its near the big scrapyard just off the A47 at morcott, its the welland viaduct but its between the two places named above

Everyone hates a smartarse. Especially me. :laughing:

It is the Welland viaduct

sorry :blush:

but in my youth i spent too many sunday afternoons in the scrapyard just by the viaduct

maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en … 9&t=h&z=16

This is it I keep maning to takwe the kids there for a day out but never get round to it.