Long loads in Europe

The company I work for has been aked to take some long loads to europe in the next few weeks and has asked me to go.As of yet not sure of the length of loads,but wondering if there are any sites or links that any one knows off to get info on the regulations or restrictions.Its mainly for my own reading.It will be my first time in europe with work so any other site ref. fuel and truck stops would bee great… :smiley:

Don’t know about the long loads aspect, although I would imagine that the rules are fairly similar to those in the UK re marker boards(although someone will know for definite, I’m sure) but you will find fuel readily available- UTA is a good fuel card to have, you can also pay motorway tolls, vignette etc with it. DKV is another good card, but BP, Shell etc are well represented.

Truckstops, well they are everywhere and once you have visited a couple you will realise what an absolute dump the UK is for truck drivers- you cannot compare them for price, quality, cleanliness etc.

Where are you expecting to be going to. Might be able to be a bit more specific if you know.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: You could even try reading the “Eurodrivers info point” sticky at the top of this forum index :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Or even the search facility :imp: :unamused: :wink:

it could be in the benelux area…

Right get your transportmanager to use the PC to find the relevant
countrys transport offices also the UK has various booklets on all countries
rules and regs, i belive you will find it in the DTI web site, also rha or fta will have this info but only for the members use, be prepared to get checked
when on the road as in germany they are very strict on this type of vehicle
loads,for germany this may help you as you could ask for information
on this type of transport and the rules and regs,plus any permits that may
be required when the load is one that requires it.,
http://www.bag.bund.de just send them a e-mail in english
also put your telephone no in the mail they will either send you a email or phone you will some answers, look on the right hand side under ANFRAGE
HERE is also the E-MAIL LINK: any problems with the link let us know.

The company I work for has been aked to take some long loads to europe in the next few weeks and has asked me to go.As of yet not sure of the length of loads,but wondering if there are any sites or links that any one knows off to get info on the regulations or restrictions.

:unamused: :frowning:


The company I work for has been aked to take some long loads to europe in the next few weeks and has asked me to go.As of yet not sure of the length of loads,but wondering if there are any sites or links that any one knows off to get info on the regulations or restrictions.

:unamused: :frowning:

I agree :open_mouth: Bullets to Cyprus anyone?

no thanks. my house might burn down :laughing:

Wheel Nut:


The company I work for has been aked to take some long loads to europe in the next few weeks and has asked me to go.As of yet not sure of the length of loads,but wondering if there are any sites or links that any one knows off to get info on the regulations or restrictions.

:unamused: :frowning:

I agree :open_mouth: Bullets to Cyprus anyone?

:laughing: had exactly the same thought while i was typing malc - they’d best hope the Belgians don’t capture them as they are being merciless at the moment with abloads not permitted correctly, can’t blame them with some of the muppetts about :angry:

Abnormal loads into Europe are very different to doing a trombone load in UK,

I seriously suggest at least talking to one of the specialist companies that deal with the paperwork all the time
(STG in Bedford, ALS in Hull or someone like that)

alternatively make contact with one of the better known pilot companies in the area you will be going who might be able to assist with the paperwork.

Go without the right permits and the fines will probably be more than the job paid !!!