Long Distance Van Light Hauliers

Wayhay, got it, done it and won £20 into the bargain !! Somebody bet me £20 that I couldn’t get you to post back on Trucknet after all the times you said you wouldn’t. Thanks Orys you never fail to amaze me! By the way it aint backstabbing in my book mate. It was a means to an end, cast, hook, an reel em in lol :slight_smile:

edit … If I were you I wouldn’t go around telling other males that they are cute otherwise some people may come to the wrong conclusion about your ■■■■■■ orientation !! (or maybe not !!)

Wayhay, got it, done it and won £20 into the bargain !! Somebody bet me £20 that I couldn’t get you to post back on Trucknet after all the times you said you wouldn’t. Thanks Orys you never fail to amaze me! By the way it aint backstabbing in my book mate. It was a means to an end, cast, hook, an reel em in lol :slight_smile:

Making a complete idiot of yourself to get £20 pounds - yes, sounds like this might actually be true. Good for you :slight_smile:

Are you going to hang around and post more often now you’ve come out of you self imposed solitude or are you going to sulk away off again?
Being a complete idiot is one of my finer points Orys, you’d be amazed at some of the others :sunglasses:
Did you not get the comments you wanted on the other site btw ?

To a nolife like you it might actually come as a surprise, but for some people not being on trucknet actually does not have to mean solitude. :laughing:

So, as I wrote in this topic already (try reading sometimes, it does you good), I am not going back. Frame this 20 quid and place it on your wall so you can always look at it when you miss me again :slight_smile:

Being a complete idiot is one of my finer points Orys

Glad to see we both agree on that :grimacing:

Did you not get the comments you wanted on the other site btw ?

I don’t know, what comments I should want? I needed to rant, I ranted, I had a bit of unexpected fun, you allegedly got 20 pounds, Simon and others had a nice way to spend their Saturday evenings, everyone should be happy. What else is needed? :slight_smile:

Wont get me £20 until my oppo has seen your posts on here, but seriously though every time you post some anti British stuff you wonder why people have a go at you, you’ll be telling me next you wouldn’t dream of doing the same to an anti Polish rant ! I work with all nationalities and have had a few Polish crew on the boats I’ve worked on but I honestly can say I’ve never come across even one of them who moan about their host country as much as you.
But I am going to get a bit of pleasure in telling you I’ve been watching the antics of one Polish master of a ship I was on and he is making a complete pigs ear of the job, he is worse than terrible so that’s one job that will soon be paid at the proper rate when the owner has had enough of paying for repairs and goes back to employing a Brit :laughing:

Saying “DVLA cannot keep their records straight” - anti British.

Using every oportunity to slag Poles for being “worse than terrible” at anything they do and how Britons are always superiour - enlightened Britishness.

Yup, that’s Raymondo for you :slight_smile:

Get it right Orys, not constantly slagging off Poles at all but just stating the facts in this ONE particular case :laughing:
You ever though about opening a fish shop cos with all these chips you have on your shoulders you would make a fortune ole mate !!

Yawn. Ok, you are as boring, as you were two years ago. And of course you failed to explain how stating obvious fact is “anti-British”. Not that I expected a reasonable discussion from you. Good night :wink:

Ok Good night

Sa no one has done so already,WELCOME HOME Orys.

Have to say the DVLA can be seriously racked off. Kudos to any of our EU brothers and sisters who can get round their incompenis.

Can’t see it as anti British though just the truth.

Slagging off our teabags, curry houses, Chinese restaurants or ability to queue politely is a different matter.