London Tube Strike

The ghost of Bob Crowe must’ve been shaking his chains in delight at the problems caused around London this morning. I’ve never seen so many commuters walking around so early. Many looked like rats flushed from a sewer, I’m sure they were dazed and confused at not travelling underground. They were barging past other pedestrians, one woman was almost knocked off the pavement infront of me near St Pancras station this morning.
There were a few examples of what happens when window lickers are given a cycle helmet and bike and let out on their own around Highbury Grove. Never seen so many cyclists give the decent ones a bad name. I nearly collected one that thought you could cycle over a zebra crossing (obscured by a Tesco van trying to U turn).
I look forward to more of the same tomorrow as I’m in the Knightsbridge area around 7am.
Union tossers.

The ghost of Bob Crowe must’ve been shaking his chains in delight at the problems caused around London this morning. I’ve never seen so many commuters walking around so early. Many looked like rats flushed from a sewer, I’m sure they were dazed and confused at not travelling underground. They were barging past other pedestrians, one woman was almost knocked off the pavement infront of me near St Pancras station this morning.
There were a few examples of what happens when window lickers are given a cycle helmet and bike and let out on their own around Highbury Grove. Never seen so many cyclists give the decent ones a bad name. I nearly collected one that thought you could cycle over a zebra crossing (obscured by a Tesco van trying to U turn).
I look forward to more of the same tomorrow as I’m in the Knightsbridge area around 7am.
Union tossers.

god forbid a melt down of mobile phone signals for the day … I mean it’ll be the end of life as we know it … :grimacing:

London ■■■■■ anyway

Fair play to them, that’s why tube train drivers are on sixty grand a year and we’re on £6 an hour.

Harry Monk:
Fair play to them, that’s why tube train drivers are on sixty grand a year and we’re on £6 an hour.

■■■■■■■■ to that H, I’m on job and knock and was out at least an hour longer than I should’ve been. :smiling_imp:

Yeah I had a long one today…took me 5 hours to get to Southall this morning left rugby at 6 got to Southall at 11.Horrendous!!

Yeah I had a long one today…took me 5 hours to get to Southall this morning left rugby at 6 got to Southall at 11.Horrendous!!

Hope you didn’t go to Delifrance; You really inconvenience them by delivering things they’ve ordered.

No mate…It was Noons…ready meals

Harry Monk:
Fair play to them, that’s why tube train drivers are on sixty grand a year and we’re on £6 an hour.

well said mr monk

Fortunately I go nowhere near the ■■■■ hole.

I was just about to post about all this today.
The title was “Gasvanman blows his top.”
A very pretty girl pulled out of a junction.
This resulted in severe anger issues for the van which was carrying gas bottles.
He swore at her,tooted the horn in rebuke.
Reved his engine then driving up fast to the back of her then braking hard.The gas bottles banging in the back.
Life is too short.
Every car must have been hooting horns today.
Everyone in a right foul mood.
Van man objected to the car pulling out.

Good luck to them,at least there fighting for there terms and conditions.yet some truck drivers take less pay for a light bar.

Why union tossers?

Why union tossers?


An hour and twenty to get from NW9 to NW1, fun and games.

Good luck to them though. Who wants self service tube stations? Like supermarkets and banks these days. Cut the costs and blow the service.

Standing together for decent pay and conditions… despicable. :wink:

Especially when we’re all having so much fun racing to the bottom! :smiley:

I was just trying to point out that the average working person in the UK now has virtually no viable form of redress against unscrupulous businesses/employers other than the withdrawal of their labour.

As has already been mentioned, cut too much and service levels go through the floor.

Where does all the money being saved go to? I personally don’t mind a bit of inconvenience in some cases because someone is struggling to be heard.

Once again it proves the point that the rmt are the only worthwhile union. They provide an essential service, and cause total meltdown to get there pay and conditions. If the unions we have were a little more like this, it would get us treated better, bringing the whole country to its knees, not just the capital. However, all unions except the rmt are ■■■■ and self serving, fact. And that is why I have no time for them

The railway has always been a protected job so Fair play to them ,
they get a pay rise every year , work a 35 hr wk get 6-7 wks leave a year , at least the union and it’s members have got balls to stand up to there bosses , how often do you hear the truck driving union telling its members that they are going to call a strike over fuel prices or road tax hikes etc .

JOIN THE UNION GUYS! :sunglasses: and let’s say NO! :laughing: enough is enough! :wink: sorry too many YELLOWBELLIES. :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

I was meant to be doing East London today but as it was quiet I did 3 drops in Earls Court, Knightsbridge and Soho beforehand to help out the other driver who stayed south of the river. The strike seemed barely noticeable today, save the classic buses helping out around Piccadilly. I’m sure one double decker dated from the early '50s, definitely pre Routemaster.
Perhaps when they next strike we should deliver in AEC Mammoth Majors? :laughing:

The strike seemed barely noticeable today, save the classic buses helping out around Piccadilly.

Yeah not bad at all today. Had same first drop and did in 20m this time. So that is why I passed a bus that looked like it was in the early 80’s. Didn’t twig at the time.

Fatboy slimslow:

Can’t see lorry drivers ever unionising. The work is too spread out. Many thousands of small disparate companies which is not at all like one large rail co. etc.
All we can do is vote with our feet. If something is unacceptable somewhere, whether its the pay or the rules its easy enough to just move on and find somewhere you DO like.

Couldn’t walk away from the dcpc though. ■■■■.