London HGV night time ban

Quite possibly the ‘extra’ on the fine is the admin fee charged by an agency or hire company for passing the fine on to the correct driver.I know that £60 speeding fine turns into £90 if you are driving a Northgate van

The operator when they receive the enquiry letter from London Councils need to supply them with the particulars of the journey and the name and address of the driver that was in control of the vehicle when it was seen. London Councils then, if it feels that a contravention has occurred, sends the Penalty Charge Notice direct to the driver.

So there is no need for an “admin” fee at all.

There is a map book you can get with the info in it for the London LGV night time thing. I’ve got one and wrote a post about it here:

London Lorry Drivers Guide - NEW AND WANNABE DRIVERS (INTERACTIVE) - Trucknet UK

I have got a map showing the non restricted roads but it is in .pdf format but the forum will not let me attach such format to a post so unable to share it.

This is the reason there should be a ban of anything over 3.5t inside the M25. Have a series of warehouses for trucks then let’s transits & sprinters do the rest.

Imagine…25 tonnes of bricks on large 1.5 tonne pallets (which won’t fit in Transits or Sprinters) for a site in central London, how many man hours to handball onto small vehicles? How many small vehicles? (the site will want all 20 tonnes at once, not drip drip drip) and how many man hours to hand ball off at the other end??

You can download the map from … 8099,d.d2k

Hi does there have to be signs present advertising the restriction for ‘transport for London’ to prosecute.

I have been caught on the A110 Nags Head Road Enfield at 23.25 last Monday.

There are definitely no signs as you enter the road from the A10 or anywhere on the road for that matter, at least as far as meridian road?

I was under the impression that they had to warn of the restriction?

How did they catch you, on camera or did they stop you

Thanks for your response interlog.

I was on my way from the M25 into coca cola on Nobel road, Edmonton.

Not sure if it was a driver notice or operator notice, just been told that the TM is fighting it and it’s potentially a £290 fine, don’t do London jobs often and have never been in a restricted zone of any kind before, not even 7.5t, I do try to stick to rules that I am aware of and obey all road signs.

Nightmare of a place, I went to Biffa around the corner with a container collecting scrap to be shipped to china? Very strange

but my map didn’t state the road change on that industrial estate where coca cola is, carry on at the bottom and its been blocked off! That’s where Biffa is, I had to turn round in a tight yard practically nearly jackknifing it to get back out the industrial estate and come back on myself to get in the other entrance.

I too hadn’t noticed any signs other than congestion zones which I had to avoid.