London going crazy?

Sorry if I have got this wrong, being relatively new to trucking, but has London gone crazy?? All I seem to read lately is all the rules and regulations for trucks entering London, ( maby other places too, but London seems more prominent) the latest being how extra mirrors and side collision bars must be fitted to a truck to enter the City… I understand where some of it comes from, but what sickens me is how the goverment /councils are making it sound as if they are doing truckers a favour letting them into the city…

Surely this just makes it even tighter for haulage companys who are already struggling with high fuel costs and the small profit margins etc…

Stop making it sound like your doing truckers a favour it angers me lol…arghhhh

Tell ya what… ban trucks altogether for all I care, lets see how long it takes the City to grind to a standstill and you come crawling back pleading for trucks to supply your daily needs…

rant over lol…

Think I’ve got best job, don’t do anything within M25 :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Think I’ve got best job, don’t do anything within M25 :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Na far from it mate I don’t even go past jn 19 M4 :wink:

Think I’ve got best job, don’t do anything within M25 :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Our firm drops trailers on a night at DHL Radlett and gets them to deliver to the stores in London.