Logging off

According to our company, they have received notification from the RSA(VOSA`s Irish counterparts),that,when logging off for the day, tachos should be set to rest mode.
This, I believe,has been misunderstood/lost in translation,because,when we are taking card out after shift,we still are working,AND WE KNOW WE WILL BE(approximately 15minutes arsing about with papers,tomorrows work etc.)(Which in turn,is recorded manually,next shift)
Am I, or they correct,as I believe the unit should be left on work,as we are aware of the work,and not starting our daily break.

Ask them for a copy of the notification, politely remind them that you would be making a false declaration on your tacho by doing it their way. Tell them the CPC trainer has told you to do it your way :laughing: , which is correct btw.

Tachos should be set to rest mode when you reach the end of duty, otherwise if you leave them on other work, it doesn’t register a daily or weekly rest period. Some lorries default to other work as soon as you turn on the ignition.

The easiest way would be to leave your card in until after your debrief, jobs for tomorrow paperwork is done etc. and then remove the card after setting the mode to rest.

You could argue that removing the cards and returning the keys is other work though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Alternatively you make the manual digi entry on the next shift for 15 minutes other work