Just in case anyone’s interested, we’re loading a couple of trucks tomorrow followed by a couple more at the end of the month.
This is in readiness for the change in rules and to minimise disruption. Those trainess afffected by this have all been given extra time - FOC - to enable them to get used to the heavier vehicles.
Will be interesting to see how much difference it makes to training. I’m saying nought till I’ve done it!
We have just got the IBCs and are having securing bolts fitted in next week or 2. Are you loading trailer as well Pete or just prime mover for now? Will be very interested to speak about fuel difference and roundabout differences etc.
As always with these things you can’t change it so try and embrace the changes. Things will certainly be slower.
How will you load them? I’m going for two at front one in middle and two over back axle.
It’s all trial and error. But I thought of the above but decided against it as the bias to the front is, IMO, excessive. I’m experimenting with 5 in a straight line down the middle. I admit it looks a bit strange, but it fits the bill mathematically. Wanted to spread as evenly as possible and counteract the bias to the front by getting some weight at the back.
But I’m not arrogant enough to say this is perfect; but it’s worth a try.
If the IBCs in line are virtually the length of the truck or trailer then that has to be the optimum balance because if I remember correctly, trucks etc were designed to be loaded evenly from front to back - or has my memory gone awry ?
If 5 IBCs are not the full length then I think I would bolt one in the middle with 2 directly bolted in front and behind
Peter Smythe:
That was my reasoning. As it happens, 5 IBCs take up the length of our truck bodies all bar about 12 inches. So it doesn’t get much better.
Makes it harder work to secure the things but my life never has been easy!
Bolt into floor ?
If box lorry and IBCs 4 feet wide then how about 2 feet wide wood frames each side to wedge them in
Rear end of rear frame could be made into a cupboard for cones etc
From past experience having them side of each other would keep them more secure.
Clearly it’s easier to have them side by side. But I think a better balance is achieved by having them in line. And as they are a permanent load I believe it’s worth putting in the effort to get it spot on.
Rear end of rear frame could be made into a cupboard for cones
Good idea for those trainers who have to move cones about. Thankfully, our cones can stay on the area for practice and tests.