load broads

any body know of good web sites to go find loads at or do they have load web sites in engalnd :question:

Loads of broads…? There was this dyslexic that walked into a bra… :laughing:

thought he went to a toga party dressed as a goat :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

“Dyslexics of the World UNTIE!” :laughing:
“Old MacDonald had dyslexia, O-E-O-E-I.”
Then there’s also:
Didja hear about the dyslexic devil worshipper?
He ended up selling his soul to Santa.

A dyslexic goes to the Winter Olympics.

He meets a man and asks him “What do you do?”

The man replies “I’m a toboggonist”

“Great” says the dyslexic, “I’ll have 20 Benson and Hedges”

There was a scandal in Glasgow last week!! Police were called to a dyslexic rave and discovered that everyone was taking F’s — there were even a few guys injecting herons.

Did you hear about the dyslexic chef who was found dead in the oven?
The recipe said to cook the roast.

How do you make a dyslexic go insane? Give her a bowl of alphabet spaghetti.


Fancy calling it dyslexia, a word nobody can spell!

Polish man goes into an opticians…
Optician covers one eye up and says to the bloke…
“Can you read the top line ?”
Polish man says " Read it ! I know him

I asked for a suite with a view. They gave me a Polo Mint.

Did you here about the dyslexic driver who came to a T junction and did a U turn?

Bill Clinton was a dyslexic, apparantly he really said to Monica that he wanted her to Sack his cook

Knew a dyslexic pimp who bought a Warehouse…

Dislexik anarchist, had anchovy tattooed on his forehead :unamused:

not many folk know what DNA actually stands for… i can reveal it’s the National Dyslexic Association

Did you hear about the Insomniac,Dyslexic,Agnostic, ■■?.

Hes used to lie awake at night wondering if there was a Dog.

fpmsl :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Dyslexic bank robber walks into a bank and says:

“Air in the hands motherstickers this is a ■■■■ up”

not dyslexic brain works faster the hands