Load advice needed

Hey all, just need abit of advice about a job i have tomorrow.

So, after i was stitched right up @ my last job, i`ve gone back to my first agency who offered me a job which could be temp to perm, but in the meantime, theyre sending me to a company, driving class 2, who deal with aluminium products.

I have a 6:30 start in the morning and the agency have just phoned me to say that the TM advised that i would be carrying a “Tall” load from gloucester to oldham.
Now, until now ive drove nothing but box trucks where the load gets strapped to the sides. I`m abit scared to be honest and just want to know if any of you have some kind words of wisdom to help me in my new challenge.

All i know is that the load will be aluminium (probably panels or something) and it will be above the cab height. I know that i will be cornering very precariously and if anyone has other tips and has driven “tall” loads before, i would be most grateful.

Thanx, Karl

Talk to the guys who work there they will know how to secure it and if it needs nailing down or just strapping, remember that metal corners can rub through ratchet straps so put a bit of carpet or card or something on the corners between strap and metal. Also take a tape measure to work and measure the height at least 3 times

thanx 10-08, will do.

Surely outta 126 views, someone else has got some other input for me?..hello?..anyone? :open_mouth: :unamused:

ask the lads that work there, never be afraid to ask.

plus you can never use enough straps, no matter what your fears it will be ok.

Oldham■■? Whoaaaaaaa :open_mouth: it’s terrible for low bridges around there!!

Only jokin :wink:

if you`re not sure,seek assistance

I will re-iterate as others previous have said,



Beware of low flying aircraft :open_mouth: :grimacing:

If its ally, the chances are the weight should be fairly light, so wouldn’t worry too much about cornering. Unless of course it is top heavy!

The only advice I can give is check your height thoroughly before you leave the yard and KNOW which route you will be taking and the presence of any potential low bridges etc…

Re: strapping down, as someone else said, don’t be afraid to use too many ratchets. Better to be safe than sorry. Also just be careful not to cause any damage to the edges of the load when tightening the straps - ally can be quite soft.

Good luck matey! Youll be fine and find that you were worrying about nowt!

What is it Jimmy says on Jimmy’s farm “itl be fine”

Update: I ended up delivering a 9ft apex window frame and a few 10ft stills with aluminium.

3 Words…piece of p***! :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks for the input peeps.