Limited trucks

So how many of us use one?

People say “Your paid by the hour what does it matter”

I do a northampton to haydock trunk at midnight and sitting at 51mph…its not for everyone.

Anyone else set at 51?

Nope the company lorry i drive does 58mph so happy days

Ours do about 52-53, I say ‘ours’ but I leave on Wednesday so maybe I should say ‘theirs’!!

We’re 53 I usually sit at 51/52 just so I have another option if I need it. Notice tesco are at 56 now. These last few weeks I’ve been overtaken loads of times off tesco, where as before that I think I’d only been overtaken once by a tesco truck.

Mine will do 56-57 but I set the cc to 53/4 to save any agro of never ending overtakes. Makes for a far less stressful drive and doesn’t really effect journey times that much.

54.5 max for me, rarely drive at this speed as its way to scary. Ill sit at 52 all day long giving me options and less tea spillage.

Did something crazy the other day, caught up to a truck doing 51 and kept a safe distance matching his/her speed till they pulled off. The overtake was an option but I couldnt be arsed.

Ours cracking on at 57mph. That said one of our drivers still refuses to abide by the new increased speed limits on dual carriageways and A roads. He is convinced that not all the speed cameras are updated and he doesn’t trust the rules. He won’t say why… :laughing:
Just hope mine still goes well with its new turbo on Monday :open_mouth:

Mine will do 55 on new tyres, thats it, usually run at 85k’s, if i have a long run i might run at 89 when there’s no pushing shoving and tailgating, but soon as the ‘‘bulging eyed aint got a minute to live jammed up everyones arse in the perma middle lane crew’’ get out and form a bunch i drop her back to 85 max or less if needed and let 'em get on with it.

Ours do 52mph, bloody mind numbing sat there all day flashing motors in. They still expect the same work as when we were doing 56, that’s the problem when you’re run by suits who haven’t a clue…

Mine does 89 kmph/53-54mpg on the sat nav (depends on the weather [emoji57]) but I tend to set it on 87kmph.

So how many of us use one?

People say “Your paid by the hour what does it matter”

I do a northampton to haydock trunk at midnight and sitting at 51mph…its not for everyone.

Anyone else set at 51?

Yes that’s me! That’s what they want, thats what they get!
When the glory boys are boasting about how quick they can do Manchester to Glasgow and back in a day, I’m thinking of how slow and where can I stop for my TWO breaks and night out before getting anywhere near Manchester!
Flogging the arse out of doesnt earn me any more but actually reduces my wages.
And another thing, if you were on th A9 South on Wednesday afternoon behind a DAF doing 40, thats was me!

One of the last that I drove over there did about 75. Hard to be exact cos the needle was off the clock. Eat yer hearts out. :slight_smile:

One of the last that I drove over there did about 75. Hard to be exact cos the needle was off the clock. Eat yer hearts out. :slight_smile:

These young uns will never experience the thrill of an unlimited truck, ah the good old days.

Majority of Tesco DAFs at livingston are limited to 49 (forty nine!) Which is brutal on a run to Inverness/Campbeltown and the likes. There’s a handful that do 55. The newer mercs all seem to be limited to 55.

Please bare this in mind when you pass me thinking I’m a fanny!

Did something crazy the other day, caught up to a truck doing 51 and kept a safe distance matching his/her speed till they pulled off. The overtake was an option but I couldnt be arsed.

Just aswell Dipper, because you know he was just trying to fool you into the overtake, so he could jam down on the throttle and hang you out dry in lane 2 :unamused: :unamused:

One of the last that I drove over there did about 75. Hard to be exact cos the needle was off the clock. Eat yer hearts out. :slight_smile:

Light weight, you needed to try harder, had the old 362 Man over 80mph yeeehaaa :open_mouth:

These young uns will never experience the thrill of an unlimited truck, ah the good old days.

Oh yeah, :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Mine will do 55 on new tyres, thats it, usually run at 85k’s, if i have a long run i might run at 89 when there’s no pushing shoving and tailgating, but soon as the ‘‘bulging eyed aint got a minute to live jammed up everyones arse in the perma middle lane crew’’ get out and form a bunch i drop her back to 85 max or less if needed and let 'em get on with it.

Next time I’m banging along at 86k’s :confused: I’ll race past you, shouldn’t take any longer than 30 minutes :smiley:

eddie snax:
Next time I’m banging along at 86k’s :confused: I’ll race past you, shouldn’t take any longer than 30 minutes :smiley:

Seeing as i’m a gentleman and you’re a Knight of the Road, i’ll click it back two or three mph so you can get past in a comfortable time and then resume me steady plod.

I’m that much of a gentleman that part of the reason is if you’re beside me too long and the very last woman who wears the kit comes cruising by i’ll miss it…which just about sums up my luck :smiling_imp:


eddie snax:
Next time I’m banging along at 86k’s :confused: I’ll race past you, shouldn’t take any longer than 30 minutes :smiley:

I’m that much of a gentleman that part of the reason is if you’re beside me too long and the very last woman who wears the kit comes cruising by i’ll miss it…which just about sums up my luck :smiling_imp:

On the bright though, I wont, every cloud :smiley: :smiley:

Limiters set at 96kph on my FH12. Unlimited my old F12 400 used to do 125kph…

The maximum mine will do is 14.4kmph :cry:

I may or may not have been in a truck on a private runway which was being tested…