Lights or Indicators

Coming up the M1 tonight, got the usual flash of lights to pull in and gave the thank you with the indicators(3 left 2 right 1 left) and suddenly remembered my old man turning the key on his 111 twice turning the lights on and off! Does anyone still use this? Random I know but its been a long night!

I read on another thread that the indicator use in this situation is an EU thing but the UK is traditionally the use of the lights

Personally, I prefer lights as indicators could confuse others

I’m old skool & still use the sidelights, I had a 111 too so know exactly what you mean, the Mercs of the same vintage were the same :wink:

Coming up the M1 tonight, got the usual flash of lights to pull in and gave the thank you with the indicators(3 left 2 right 1 left)

Bit over the top isn’t it? You’ll have your boss after you for a new indicator switch before much longer.

I just give one flash on the near side. Flicking side lights on & off was old school, when light switches used to be on stalks coming off the steering column. Except your old dads 111 Scani’ of course.
Today I’d have to keep leaning forward for the light switch and I can’t be arsed with that all day.

Some days however, If I’m particularly impressed with the manner in which I was flashed in, I might give two separate single near side flashes for extra marks.

I usually just go right left right left, but being limited to 52 I don’t overtake much :frowning:

Hazzard lights…its the nearest switch :wink:
Simon :sunglasses:

When I pull in I cancel my indicator then give a quick right-left flash as thanks :slight_smile:

When I pull in I cancel my indicator then give a quick right-left flash as thanks :slight_smile:

I do the same, nice and easy.

On these things:-

You used the lights cause the indicator was a clockwork switch(yeah really!) lol. It gave about 8 or 10 seconds per use, ie. indicate left and it would click away long after you’ve made the turn,so no good for the semaphore we use today.

However this was the fifties! :blush: :blush: :smiley: :smiley:

I do left right left right but didn’t get flashed very often being in a sprinter.

‘…Coming up the M1 tonight … turning the lights on and off!..’

I’m vaguely aware that there is summat in the HC saying that it’s a no-no to turn the lights of a moving vehicle off when they should be on. Meanwhile, a dance-floor, Nagasaki megablitz of lighting effects might be argued as being a bit more legal.

Meanwhile, I’d be stuffed to explain how I could legitimately indicate right without having an intent to move/go right, or hazard flash when there wasn’t a hazard present (other than me fannying around with my lighting toys).

I use two nearside flashes to communicate that I’m left and that I intend to stay left. It is extended as a courtesy to other road users - which leaves them free to conclude whatever they wish.

I just give a simple 2/3 quick flashes of the nearside indicator, means no one thinks I maybe coming back out (incorrect indication)

Lack of indication is my pet hate, incorrect indication is a close second

When I pull in I cancel my indicator then give a quick right-left flash as thanks :slight_smile:

same here :smiley:

Coming up the M1 tonight, got the usual flash of lights to pull in and gave the thank you with the indicators(3 left 2 right 1 left) and suddenly remembered my old man turning the key on his 111 twice turning the lights on and off! Does anyone still use this? Random I know but its been a long night!

Was that in “the good ole days” when lorries didnt have a n/s mirror or indicators ? :laughing: :laughing:
Wasnt the on and off flick of the lights originally a sign that you were turning :confused:

had someone flick the lights on and off a coule of times when he pulled in after overrtaking me the other night, i remember thinking i havent seen that for a long time! if i do it it usually blows a bulb!
i usually keep the left on until im just about in, then one right and 2 left.

I LIKE right leftleft rightright leftrighleftleft I ALSO like leftleftrightleftrightrightright left BUT WHICH ONE IS BEST■■? THERES ONLY ONE WAY TOO FIND OUT FFFFFFFFFFFFFFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTTT :stuck_out_tongue:

I LIKE right leftleft rightright leftrighleftleft I ALSO like leftleftrightleftrightrightright left BUT WHICH ONE IS BEST■■? THERES ONLY ONE WAY TOO FIND OUT FFFFFFFFFFFFFFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTTT :stuck_out_tongue:


A lot of the “new generation truckers” cant be arsed to flash you in anyway, they are more likely to speed up on your inside to prevent you getting past, but I think this has already been discussed to exhaustion on another post.

A lot of the “new generation truckers” cant be arsed to flash you in anyway

sorry mate but us “new generation truckers” have a bit more self respect and dont go around flashing other drivers… :wink: :laughing: :laughing: i’ll flash a driver in only to say “you’ve cleared my personal comfort zone do pull in if ya want” however bulk tippers seem to underestimate how big your comfort zone is :exclamation: :laughing: :laughing:


pulling out -left then right once with indicator.

pulling in - right then left. but on the renaults the stick is quite sensitive and as it goes back to its normaly postion it normally does a click on the other side all by its self. anybody else found that?

i normally do the hazards when i get flashed in or left right left right it just depends on my mood