Lightest windy gun

Can anyone recommend me a light windy gun please. I want to replace mine as its really heavy and soon takes it out of you when using it!


Using it for…?

Using it for…?

Sorry mate, taking wheels off. So it needs to be a heavy duty one 1 inch drove same as I have now


What do you want , one with a kick that will get the wheelnuts undone, or one without that won’t?

Get an electric cordless, very light and portable, does all but the most corroded these days or, if you want to spend less money, and also very light, a Nitrocat air impact in 1/2" has 1700nm of loosening torque, again will do most combine with one of those cheap hand winding things for the really stubborn and you’ll get anything off you’d ever need to. We hardly use the 1" these days.

Thanks for replies I’ll have a search about.

Dont bother with CP excellent gun but bloody heavy.
Try a Sealy,.Cheap and cheerfull but light and as long as you dont ask too much of it will last a few years.

Snap on re-chargeable. :slight_smile: