Light Bars

This may appear a stupid questio but if you have extra lighting fitted does it actually make much difference or are they just bling ?

depends on where and what type of work you do

if you work a lot of nights on quiet roads, then yes, they really do work well, but, if you are a day driver on busy roads, then they are just bling

depends on where and what type of work you do

if you work a lot of nights on quiet roads, then yes, they really do work well, but, if you are a day driver on busy roads, then they are just bling

ok thxs just the lights on the DAF i have the pleasure of driving are useless

depends on where and what type of work you do

if you work a lot of nights on quiet roads, then yes, they really do work well, but, if you are a day driver on busy roads, then they are just bling

ok thxs just the lights on the DAF i have the pleasure of driving are useless

depends on where and what type of work you do

if you work a lot of nights on quiet roads, then yes, they really do work well, but, if you are a day driver on busy roads, then they are just bling

ok thxs just the lights on the DAF i have the pleasure of driving are useless

oops sorry

they do make a difference especaly at night in deepest darkest wales.

I’ve got 6 Hellas on top and they really make a difference on country lanes at night. Perfect for the winter time

The “Bling Merchants” dont see the need to look right infront of them (Probably admiring the brightness of lights)

They dont seem to be able to turn them off when approaching peaks of hills when others are approaching…

This may appear a stupid questio but if you have extra lighting fitted does it actually make much difference or are they just bling ?

ask your self how much you use main beam.
Maybe you could upgrade your headlights at far less cost.

What bulbs do you guys use in you’re spotlights?. What type of beam pattern is best for distance?. Read a bit on a land rover site and most 4x4 guys if they have two spots on the front have one normal bulb and one “pencil” light, so one lamp really illuminates the immediate area in front of the motor and the other reaches away down the road into the distance. It’s just I was following a guy down the A9 one night that had four spots on top of a MAN and if I’m honest I wasn’t all that impressed. All it seemed to do was light up the same area as the normal full beam would but brighter. I think I would want to be able to see like a full mile lit up ahead of me, so is this down to bulb choice?.

This may appear a stupid questio but if you have extra lighting fitted does it actually make much difference or are they just bling ?

Often put on in place of holiday pay or higher hourly pay


This may appear a stupid questio but if you have extra lighting fitted does it actually make much difference or are they just bling ?

ask your self how much you use main beam.
Maybe you could upgrade your headlights at far less cost.

i have tried stronger bulbs but didnt make much difference



This may appear a stupid questio but if you have extra lighting fitted does it actually make much difference or are they just bling ?

ask your self how much you use main beam.
Maybe you could upgrade your headlights at far less cost.

i have tried stronger bulbs but didnt make much difference

Night vision scopes. :smiley:

I’ve got a eurobar with 4 white hella spots on the grille of the FM I drive and they make the world of difference. I work solely on nights and I wouldn’t be without them.

I also have 10 white LEDS in the grille and 6 more on a low bar, these are great for working close by other drivers on closures because I can see enough to move about without dazzling others reversing and such. (well I know what I mean anyway)

The rest are just bling.

Got four hella 75w across the top of globetrotter fm on kelsa bar from new. Never asked for them but ■■■■ hot down here in Cornwall early mornings down our very wide lanes :wink: :wink:

I was following a guy down the A9 one night that had four spots on top of a MAN and if I’m honest I wasn’t all that impressed. All it seemed to do was light up the same area as the normal full beam would but brighter. I think I would want to be able to see like a full mile lit up ahead of me

I love having spotlights on the roof.
If i had a motor with 4 on roof, i would adjust the outside 2 slightly to the left and right of the headlights and a touch in front, and the middle 2 in front of the headlights, thus giving a bigger area of illumination.
It sounds like the MAN you followed had the same problem as a lot of motors have. Lights fitted onto roof, beam of each light not set up. They just get them all level so they look straight, but dont adjust them in the dark.

Extra lights are useless unless they are set up properly,
every driver will want then set up differently.

My last puddle jumper had 4. 2 drive lamps and 2 fog.
The fogs were set to cross.the drive level.
Gave me around half a mile of illumination on a good road.
Just be aware that when you dip your mains it might be dark. My boss let me uprate the headlights. But at my own expense!

The spots now live on my :laughing: car! Lets me melt bmw rearends :laughing: :imp:

i have to say that after having them,you certainly miss them when you drive something without them
we only had two hella 3000’s fitted(six or eight would be better lol) but what a difference to the poxy daf main beam candles!!
and i cant see the point of having them mounted to the grill-if you are going to have them,put 'em on the bloody roof!!
i used to have them aimed up quite a bit so would illuminate a good 100+ metres in front of you.
and yes we did lots of work at night and quite often in rural areas
nothing fancy but they made a hell of a difference!!

Top light definitely make a difference when on back country roads, though we have been told that under new testing rules here in Ireland having top lights fitted will be a DOE failure from next year, thus we have only fitted bottom lights