Lifts needed/wanted to Truckfest

Ok, Well, anyone who wants a lift to Truckfest (Like wot I do) can post here, and hopefully get helped out.

I’m in Weston and want to go… but my car isn’t back on the road yet. ANyone coming through the area with space for a little one? Good - make a bit more room then, and maybe I can fit in :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, Well, anyone who wants a lift to Truckfest (Like wot I do) can post here, and hopefully get helped out.

I’m in Weston and want to go… but my car isn’t back on the road yet. ANyone coming through the area with space for a little one? Good - make a bit more room then, and maybe I can fit in :stuck_out_tongue:

it would help people also to let us know what truckfest you wish to attend and require a lift :laughing: :laughing:


I should have my car back on the road for the SW one.

I have a pillion seat spare from the Loughborough area for the Peterborough show on the Sunday. No help, I know, just thought I’d mention it :laughing:.

no cutting my mondeo up on the way lib :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

I have six spare seats from oundle to peterborough :laughing: :laughing: