Life on Felixstowe Dock

Check out my video it says it all really

Cracking Video

That’s 45 seconds of my life il never get back

Cracking Video

+1 Epic stuff.
Keebs has no one taught you the secret signal to give the crane driver.

If your in a rush simply put your hazard lights, reversin lights and fog lights on and the crane will come straight to you.
The downside is that you have to leave a quid in the intercom booth at the back of the crane.

The crane drivers have a list of reg plates of drivers who do this and cough up, oh and also a list of drivers who haven’t paid (these can expect a long wait).

This signal may not work if theres shunters due or in the vicinity though.

That’s wrong! There is no life on Felixstowe dock!!!

That’s wrong! There is no life on Felixstowe dock!!!

There is but not as we know it :slight_smile:


That’s wrong! There is no life on Felixstowe dock!!!

There is but not as we know it :slight_smile:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Though I will say, that after being stuck at Levington for an Hour and a half this morning, due a serious crash closing the A14 in both direction from about 1am til 5am. when I and nearly every other driver who happens to hold an HGV licence decended upon the port in a tsunami like wave at 530am-ish, I actually tipped Trinity loaded Landguard, and was chuffing back up the 14 by 6.10am, was expecting to get the loooooooooong wait :wink:

You can never work them Dockers out, top lads this morning though :wink:


Cracking Video

+1 Epic stuff.
Keebs has no one taught you the secret signal to give the crane driver.

If your in a rush simply put your hazard lights, reversin lights and fog lights on and the crane will come straight to you.
The downside is that you have to leave a quid in the intercom booth at the back of the crane.

The crane drivers have a list of reg plates of drivers who do this and cough up, oh and also a list of drivers who haven’t paid (these can expect a long wait).

This signal may not work if theres shunters due or in the vicinity though.

All off what you say may well be true, but 1 thing will have you grounded regardless off bribery or any other inducement you may wish to offer, Norwich written on the side off your cab :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: trust me, its not big and its not clever :wink:


Cracking Video

+1 Epic stuff.
Keebs has no one taught you the secret signal to give the crane driver.

If your in a rush simply put your hazard lights, reversin lights and fog lights on and the crane will come straight to you.
The downside is that you have to leave a quid in the intercom booth at the back of the crane.

The crane drivers have a list of reg plates of drivers who do this and cough up, oh and also a list of drivers who haven’t paid (these can expect a long wait).

This signal may not work if theres shunters due or in the vicinity though.

A mate of mine got put through his class 1, and his first job was to go to Felixtowe Docks for a box. Now he got a bit mouthy with the wrong guys down there,over his waiting time, and he ended up waiting three days for it. His boss bwas SO impressed…not

I heard a driver got an instant ban driving too fast through the 5mph bit whilst some of the staff where near the crossing. Got to his peg and port police arrived and ■■■■■■ him off…
Could be waiting room BS, but i’ll believe anything.

I heard a driver got an instant ban driving too fast through the 5mph bit whilst some of the staff where near the crossing. Got to his peg and port police arrived and [zb] him off…
Could be waiting room BS, but i’ll believe anything.

I wouldn’t have thought that he’d get an instant ban for that, but they do a 3 strikes and your out policy, maybe he already had 2 strikes. They revoke your RHIDES card. But its not beyond the realms of possibility :wink: .

A mate of mine got put through his class 1, and his first job was to go to Felixtowe Docks for a box. Now he got a bit mouthy with the wrong guys down there,over his waiting time, and he ended up waiting three days for it. His boss bwas SO impressed…not

I think that is waiting room BS, 3 days :open_mouth: , he’d have been more likely to have been banned :wink:

And then when they do come to you they dont even put the container on your trailer, if its an inch out your the one backing up and inching forward not the lazy sod driving the crane.

And then when they do come to you they dont even put the container on your trailer, if its an inch out your the one backing up and inching forward not the lazy sod driving the crane.

The thing is Mate, He’s just poured a brew from his flask, you wouldn’t want that to spill in his lap would you :wink:

Must be fifteen years since I was last in Felixstowe, and it does not seem to of changed a bit. If you want a real laugh go on crane drivers forum…Felixstowe crane drivers refer to themselves as ‘sky-gods’! … ondon.html Check out the squealing on here. Might make you feel a bit better.

Oh listen! An lgv driver moaning about someone else doing their job and how they could do it better! That’s one of the reasons I left, too many nuclear physicists and future world leaders in the industry ■■■■■■■■ on about something! But if you leave, remember that you have to have to ability to do something else better then someone else, not just say so!

Funny that, as nearly all the drivers I know are decent guys with a strong work ethic, unlike the bone idle, militant knobs who drive the cranes in Felixstowe.

I have now gone to the otherside I’m now training to be that annoying tug driver that jumps in front of you that always gets a box put on first lol


Oh listen! An lgv driver moaning about someone else doing their job and how they could do it better! That’s one of the reasons I left, too many nuclear physicists and future world leaders in the industry ■■■■■■■■ on about something!!

so you joined a truck forum :unamused: :laughing:

Supporting man-u and coming from ipswich is annoying enough thanks! :smiley: