Lied to again

Just got the boot form an outfit in Kent, Got took on to be a Tramper did it for 2 weeks, seems i was just covering for another tramper who was of for 2 weeks, so i got boot ever so nicely, cheers for the lie.

Who was it that shafted you?

just hope you did’nt give up another job to go there :imp:

Name and shame?

:imp: :imp: :imp:

Well what a lovely company they sound to work for…

Really hope you didn’t leave another job to go with them.

None of the other lads there give you a nudge about this cowboy outfit? if so that don’t speak well of them.

Hope you didn’t clean the bloody lorry up expecting it to be your working home for the forseeable.

Ye i kinda did give up another job i had in the bag to go work for them, seems they love agency drivers nice family firm ye right, arrogant geezers in the traffic office, Name begins with a L :smiley:

Can you narrow it down from ‘Kent’? Dealt with a lot of companies spanning anywhere from the SE London border down to Tonbridge / Edenbridge and as far as Maidstone.

Also a tad confused about them loving agency drivers yet opting to employ you direct for two weeks? Surely if they loved agency, they’d just cover it with agency. :confused:

Ye im tad confused to mate why lie why not get an agency bloke to do it, i said at interview i need to be away most of the week or best part of it, they ye we will sort you out, ye they kin did storage ring any bells mate.

blue wagons■■?

i would keep proof of working there till you get paid if you havent allready

Name and shame?

Nothing like a nice LEAN HAM sandwich for lunch ?

Ye ye, i got proof i printed out till roll from start to finish as i had same unit.

So just name them, what a bunch of tossers. If you have proof of working there, they have to pay you. You could at least say if the so obvious a blind man could work it out guess is right.

i’d keep quiet till you get ya money,a lot of eyes scan this site :smiley:

I work for them, they don’t actually employ full time trampers though they were considering giving it a trial so that could possibly be the reason why?

They employ ‘journey’ drivers who are out 2-3 nights through the week. We have loads of agency drivers in during the and nights and often a few agency guys will do the journey work’

Without knowing the full story I can’t see why they would just get rid of you?! I’ve never heard of them letting anyone go to be honest, even the guys who are nightmares (smashing wagons etc).

I’ve just had a look back through the OP’s posts, only 10 so didn’t take long.

Polite question (and without any prejudice)… you say in one post that you have a track record of being laid off. Any thoughts on why? With all due respect, you’re either horribly unlucky or something regularly happens during the early weeks of your employment which causes employers to decide not to retain your services.

I’m not knocking you; I went through a phase of that too, thankfully only lasted a couple of years. What I would suggest though is that you take a hard look at what those reasons are, and if there is anything you can do about it to make your next attempt at a permanent job more successful.

Ye i kinda did give up another job i had in the bag to go work for them, seems they love agency drivers nice family firm ye right, arrogant geezers in the traffic office, Name begins with a L :smiley:

Yeh. I think I know where… If you gave the town it would give it away though. :wink:

There’s a bus yard next door…?
I stopped working there 18 months back. They were always advertising for trampers back then as well. I wasn’t impressed with the way they got paid less than nights, let alone what I was getting on agency before they started clipping all the shifts so agency only got the crap… Had a lot of registrations starting WA when I was there, but they were 09 and 10 plates so I imagine the newer 12 and 62 plates I’ve been seeing around of late have superceded them since I left. :question:

Well mate ferrymasters shut dover office one down, cabmont moved operations to banbury, 2 hanbury davis closed up shop 3 as did loadwell, all of them outfits i worked for years, its only since 2010 things have got crap with liers running certain outfits ive worked for previous to 2010 i was sorted and highly thought of, im a tramper its in me blood aint no home boy thats my problem. So i dont like been led up the garden path,

Lenham storage.