Licence question

Hi all.

Got my licence back today with my new C, C1 entitlement and provisional C+E, but I noticed something. I am not sure if it was on my car licence or not but I have an italic “f” on it, which means Tractors (farm kind). Does this mean I have a full tractor licence or does that mean only certain types.

Cheers in advance

New Blood

I could be wrong about this but I think the f comes with a car license, as far as I can see it’s good for any agricultural tractor.



OK lets see how good you are :smiley:

On my license I have categories f k I n p.

What are the categories I and n for ?

I already know the answer, so don’t try to pull a fast one :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

l - Vehicles propelled by electric power

n - Vehicles covered by the former ‘six miles a week’ / new ‘limited use’ VED categories


l - Vehicles propelled by electric power

n - Vehicles covered by the former ‘six miles a week’ / new ‘limited use’ VED categories


Spot on :wink:

So, does this mean then, if I get a job hauling tractors/combines, or working temp as a tractor driver to make more money for my C+E I am allowed to, no matter how big the trailer is. Straight answer, yes or no. All these “tractors less than 2.45m wide, it must only pull trailers less than 2.45m wide with two wheels, or four close-coupled” etc confuse me.



As far as I can see, as long as you’re over 17 (which you are) you can drive any tractor and trailer combination.

I’ve read on another forum that the MAM has to be under 24 tonne.

I’m not sure where the 24 tonnes comes into it because I can’t find any info on that, though would an agricultural tractor and trailer ever be more than 24 tonne :confused:

Have to say this information came from another forum as the result of a Google search, the bloke seemed to know what he was talking about but …

Ignore the bit at DirectGov about 2.45m wide tractors and trailers, that’s for people whose age is over 16 but under 17.

Thanks Tachograph (and everybody else). Just means I can widen my job search while saving for my C+E.

Thanks again

New Blood

though would an agricultural tractor and trailer ever be more than 24 tonne

Yes I’m sure that there are plenty of Unimogs running around at that sort of weight with artic trailers with an a-frame dolly. As long as they are ag-spec and being used for proper ag. purpose of course.

Quick question.

What would you class a moped pulling a trailer e.g an ad board.

Yes I seen it the other day. Was driving so I couldn`t take a pic.


Quick question.

What would you class a moped pulling a trailer e.g an ad board.

GUTSY :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

In reply to TruckerJimbo

I would think the police should seize his licence :open_mouth: and do him for a section 8 !!mental health offence. :confused: :sunglasses: :laughing:



Depends on how big the trailer was. Think you can have 1.5m like a motorcycle. :question:

In reply to TruckerJimbo

I would think the police should seize his licence :open_mouth: and do him for a section 8 !!mental health offence. :confused: :sunglasses: :laughing:



Yep Thats what I was think!!!