Licence expired 15 YEARS AGO

2 weeks ago a friend who let his LGV licence lapse 15 years ago when he was due a medical.

He Completed a medical form sent of his licence and got his LGV licence back.

So it’s a fact you can let your lgv licence expire and re-apply and get it back there is no time limit as yet but this could change in the future.

I am sure this has been mentioned before.

26 years an Lgv Trainer:
2 weeks ago a friend who let his LGV licence lapse 15 years ago when he was due a medical.

He Completed a medical form sent of his licence and got his LGV licence back.

So it’s a fact you can let your lgv licence expire and re-apply and get it back there is no time limit as yet but this could change in the future.

I am sure this has been mentioned before.

I did the same thing. I renewed my licence last year by sending off the medical form 9 years after I should have had my first medical. As I had never used my licence since passing my class 1 I didn’t bother keeping it valid by taking the medical at 45. I decided it would be a good idea to have a spare string to my bow last year so I took the medical and bob’s your aunty’s brother. Shiny new photo card with lots of entitlements duly appeared through the letterbox.
No sooner did I get it the recession kicks in and the work drys up. Good job my real work is getting busier eh? :laughing:


the Dcpc will kill off this in the future
unless people do the periodic training and i cant see that happening

the Dcpc will kill off this in the future
unless people do the periodic training and i cant see that happening

The PDCPC will have no effect on this issue as it is a sepertate entity.

The ‘LICENCE’ gives the holder the right to drive a vehicle in the stated class for which it refers to.

The ‘PDCPC’ gives the driver the right to drive the above for ‘Hire or Reward’.

I like PDCPC - much better than writing Periodic Driver Certificate of Professional Competence :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

There is also IDCPC - Initial Driver Certificate of Professional Competence :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

why would they get rid of something they’ve not long implemented,
it used to be three years now its indefinate