LHD/RHD truck.

Would`nt it be good for a cab that was both left and right hand drive,the seat and the controls could slide over to the country visited,the console/dash and controls,then lock in to safe position while driving,it must cost a fortune for the makers to supply both the markets for the uk and europe.
Funny how the europeans think the brits are mad to be on the wrong side of the road,and vice versa,who was the guy that said the uk was to be on that side of the road to be different to everyone else in europe,is it to do with the medieval knights that would duel each other on horseback,or the man that would run ahead of a car with a red flag to warn other road users,and it was stuck from then.

It’s mad anyway to drive on the left, and have the rule that traffic from the right has right of way :unamused: :unamused:
This means that on a T junction when you turn left you have to try to look over your shoulder for traffic trying to bash your right side in, unlogical at the best :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Why cant they make a cab,where the driver can sit in the middle of the cab,and re-design the outer vision,like the black spots,or even cctv to cover that.
Find it strange,how airliners do not have cctv to watch the engines,and below the wing canopy,the crew have to rely on their instruments to detect a failing engine,or one that is on fire.

Calling Orys, calling Orys… can you post that pic of the Russian steering conversion please?

Why cant they make a cab,where the driver can sit in the middle of the cab,and re-design the outer vision,like the black spots,or even cctv to cover that.
Find it strange,how airliners do not have cctv to watch the engines,and below the wing canopy,the crew have to rely on their instruments to detect a failing engine,or one that is on fire.

The French used to have lorries with a single occupancy cab which was in the centre for loading steel etc, I think I even saw a picture of one with a seat behind the driver as a learner vehicle one time too. Maybe on mushrooms at the time though :smiley: Someone that can drive a computer will arrive with a picture of one soon.

Fly sheet,yes,i saw the steel lorries too,driver sat in the middle of the cab with 12 feet of over hanging steel rods.

I can not believe this thread. talk about school boy

you may get used to it…though you could substitute thread with forum most of the time. :unamused:

The latest Unimog from Mercedes has dual position steering column and controls, It just unlocks and the whole thing slides across to to the opposite side :bulb:

Dave Penn;

fly sheet:

Why cant they make a cab,where the driver can sit in the middle of the cab,and re-design the outer vision,like the black spots,or even cctv to cover that.
Find it strange,how airliners do not have cctv to watch the engines,and below the wing canopy,the crew have to rely on their instruments to detect a failing engine,or one that is on fire.

The French used to have lorries with a single occupancy cab which was in the centre for loading steel etc, I think I even saw a picture of one with a seat behind the driver as a learner vehicle one time too. Maybe on mushrooms at the time though :smiley: Someone that can drive a computer will arrive with a picture of one soon.

I drove a dustcart version some years ago. Not a great idea in practice.

Had them on road swepers for years

Just go left ■■■■■■,can’t beat 'em,even though I only do UK now I’d still prefer a left ■■■■■■ any day!

^ wot he said^

^ wot he said^

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it was done many years ago with a car.