LGV1 - Part time?


I’ve had a good read of these forums, great information for a noob thanks.

I appreciate this won’t be for everyone and lots will think I’m taking the p*ss as enough people struggle to get a f/t job to support their family etc etc, but… if you’ve got passed that can you help?

I’m considering doing my C and C+E tests. Let’s assume I’ve aced them. I then want to get some work. HOWEVER

I’m thinking of doing this as p/t or zero/random hours. By this I mean I would like to do the odd day here and there, maybe 3 days one week, none the next etc. I appreciate this means I’m limiting where I could work (RM/Tesco is hardly going to say “Yes, come join us, you can work whenever you feel like it”). However, will agencies be up for this? Obviously it would have to work both ways, they may not be able to give me work when I’m free/want it and I might not be up for working a 6 day week when they want it.

I’m also conscious that I wouldn’t be a 10-year in old sweat, who can drive anything and has more war wounds than I’ve had hot dinners. Therefore clearly for a first week, two or even more I’d be more than happy to be a bit flexible and work more to get some hours on my record and cement my perfect driving skills from a few hours learning before my test (yeah right!). I wouldn’t object to local repetitive runs (although less likely in LGV1?), long distance, trunking, even the occasional overnighter.

Ideally, for tax/other income reasons, I’d want to go LTD company route and I think (given I’ve not done it before, I can’t say I’m certain even if I think I am!) I’d like to ideally do trunking, single drops, day or night, and week day or weekends is not really too much of a concern.

Is this even remotely possible, or am I trying to have my cake and eat it?

Thanks in advance,

Hi James and welcome to the forum.

What you’re looking for isn’t that unusual. The easy route is to sign up with a couple of agencies. But the flow of work will likely be very erratic and totally unreliable. A more reliable route, but you’ll have to put more effort in, is to approach smaller operators who may be able to use you on the sort of basis you’re looking for. Some are not anti new driver and may well give you a start.

Drivers in your situation seem to use the LTD company route but I cant comment on that with any certainty.

Hope this helps, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks Pete, very helpful.

Appreciate agencies are likely to be a bit random with the work. But your idea of smaller operators is good - almost like their relief driver or something. Don’t want to run before I can walk, but no point in learning to walk if you can’t run a marathon one day! :slight_smile:

LTD good, as I can choose when to take a salary, the missus can have one too for looking pretty etc. All about (legitimately) minimising that tax bill!


I do exactly what you are thinking about starting and have to say it works like a dream.

I am employed as a casual driver on zero hours contract, so get all of the associated benefits without committing to a set amount of hours.

I literally phone on the Monday of each week with my availability and what start time I want to work.

Originally looked at agencies but they weren’t great and by the time they take out their fees and what ever else they tell you they have to take out. The take home pay was terrible

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your message - I tried to send you a private message, but I’m not sure it went through, as it is sitting in my ‘outbox’ rather than ‘sent items’. Can you let me know if it did?



I do exactly what you are thinking about starting and have to say it works like a dream.

I am employed as a casual driver on zero hours contract, so get all of the associated benefits without committing to a set amount of hours.

I literally phone on the Monday of each week with my availability and what start time I want to work.

Originally looked at agencies but they weren’t great and by the time they take out their fees and what ever else they tell you they have to take out. The take home pay was terrible