LGV pass rates

I’ve just been looking at the LGV pass rates at different test centers. If this is a fair test through out the country how come the pass rates vary so widely. I cannot believe that the good people of Kirkwall 83.9% are more naturally more gifted drivers than the equally goood people of Patrick Green 32.7%. Guess where I failed my first couple of test, not liking the place I moved to Walton 41.5% not much better but I did manage to pass there.
This is a difference of very nearly 51% which cannot be right.
This is for the year 2002/2003

Perhaps some test centres have better local driving schools than others?

It would also depend on the numbers of tests taken at the center. If the center only did 10 tests in a year then it would be statistically easier to get a better %, compared to a test center that did 1000 tests a year. Hope you see what i mean. All really goes back to the old saying “Lies, ■■■■ Lies and statistics”

. I cannot believe that the good people of Kirkwall 83.9% are more naturally more gifted drivers than the equally good people of Patrick Green 32.7%.

Me neither!

It seems that the remotest test centres (Kirkwall is in the Hebrides, iirc) have the best pass rates.

Incidentally, can you post the url with these statistics on? I’ve seen it before, but forgotten where it is.


Never done this before so I hope this link works.

As you can see it didn’t work but it is in the Frequently Asked Questions forum.

try trucknetuk.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=58

the only difference I can see, Knight ,is the http:// bit missing at the front and BB instead of bb in the middle

When posting urls and quotes, there are a few common mistakes.
If you hover your mouse pointer over the URL button, you will get this line just above the window which you write your post into.
Insert URL: {url}http://url{/url} or {url=http://url}URL text{/url} (alt+w)
(I have changed the brackets for { } , so that it all stays visible).

Pressing on the URL button will give you {url} to open the tag, pressing it again will give you {/url} to close it. Copy or cut the url from the address bar in your browser. Paste it into your post, highlight it and press the url button. Your link will look like this, {url}http://trucknetuk.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=58{?url}, which will give you
http://trucknetuk.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=58 in your post.
Or you can change it a bit to this {url=http://trucknetuk.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=58}some other text{/url}, which will give you some other text , in your post. Both links will take you to the same place, try them if you like :open_mouth: :smiley: .

Using quotes is much the same, except that you can also press the quote button at the top of each post, then delete the bits you dont want. or you can type the tags in yourself then cut and paste the quote you want. If you want the persons name to come up when typing the tags yourself, you need to type {quote=“Name”}, making sure to get inverted commas and brackets at both ends.
Make sure that you have the square brackets at both ends of the tags or the whole thing won’t work.
Before pressing the submit button, press the Preview. If your tags are right, everything will come up as you want. If not, look for spaces inside the square brackets, there shouldn’t be any.
All the best, keep practising and you will get it, like driving a wagon :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: