LGV pass rates - where to find up to date stats?

Where can I find the latest details on LGV test pass rates?

The DSA’s website only covers up to 2005/06.

I intend taking my tests in Aberdeen - latest available pass rate 54.4% (not bad - average 2 tests per candidate), but would like more up to date info.

Would imagine that the more rural test centres (Scottish Islands especially) would have the highest rates - but they’re results aren’t available at all!

Do not take pass rates at face value.
they may inclube PCV B+E as well as LGV.
They have no figures for 1st time pass rates in a particular class of vehicle.
how many tests in the class of vehicle you are using do most take there before they pass?
I could go on…

Do not take pass rates at face value.
they may inclube PCV B+E as well as LGV.
They have no figures for 1st time pass rates in a particular class of vehicle.
how many tests in the class of vehicle you are using do most take there before they pass?
I could go on…

Having looked at what you’re saying.

This reply is just my opinion - not a definite analysis. Just trying to use a little bit of common sense… dangerous game I know!

B+E (and I suppose I could throw in C1 and C1+E) - these tests are taken in smaller vehicles and you don’t need air brakes. I imagine that the pass rates here would be above this average.

PCV (including D1) - as far as I’m aware the majority of tests take place in automatic vehicles. This would obviously make the test far easier.

As far as LGV goes, things must look quite bad using the above logic - and C pass rates are bound to be significantly higher than C+E - have heard that the reversing alone is very hard to master and causes the most failures.

Will try and not let this put me off - by the look of things I’m taking my tests at one of the “easy” centres - but it still looks easy to be dissuaded especially when you consider the costs of training - not to mention all those £89 test fees!!.. :imp:

and the cost of hiring the vehicle to do the test in

and the cost of hiring the vehicle to do the test in

The company won’t forget!!! :frowning: