Lgv cat. C. Passed in September

I left a good but average paid job to pursue a career in the transport industry.
When I left work I only had enough funds to pay for my cpc and adr. With a 2 week wait to complete my cpc and another 4 weeks for my adr results I was starting to doubt my decision.
I signed up to several agencies and fortunately got a general haulage job with a decent hourly rate and plenty of hours. After 1 week getting paid via an umbrella company, I went Ltd, registered for Vat and also the flat rate scheme.
I’ve just left that firm on good terms to work for a gas company delivering gas in tankers. Which is a better rate. This contract should see me through the lean winter months and after that I will hopefully find something for the summer. Then back to delivering gas in the winter. And may the cycle continue.
I am pleased with what I’ve achieved in a short period of time. Although I don’t believe in counting my chickens, I don’t see myself regreting my move.
I believed in myself, I set my self a goal and invested in my self.

All the best in your continued career. Always good to hear a success story. Well done. Shows the value of the investment.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Cheers pete

Best of luck pal, hope it all pans out as you’d like! :smiley: