letters sent on speck DO sometimes work

Hi all
hope this helps people searching for a job

I sent about a dozen letters to local transport companies with a copy of my c.v in late sept early oct.
While I didnt hold out much hope there is always the thought that just 1 might keep hold of it for the future. Around the same time I applied for numerous jobs that I saw advertised. One of which I was lucky enough to get. Quite boring work with lots of time spent in the warehouse instead of driving (not really my scene). Today approx 4 months after sending the letters out I get a phone call asking if I was still looking for work, always trying to improve myself I said, great would you like to come in and see us. No problem said I would after 5 any evening be possible. Through the day would be better were in from 7.30 would tomorrow be ok, no problem I’ll see you at 7.30.

Hope this helps anyone looking for work
not all the letters and cvs get binned sometimes they do get kept and do get looked at again.

good luck to all job seekers
NEVER GIVE UP HOPE :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Keeping my fingures crossed for a positive outcome for you. Good luck

thanks for that
I’m in a good position that I already have a job and am lucky to get the chance of another.
Although I have passed the magic 2 years exp. I am currently doing warehouse(packing), sprinter and 7.5t while they are (supposedly)in the process of getting a class 2. Just want my driving job back !!!

he shoots he scores

get in there

start my new job next mon 15/02
:laughing: :smiley: :laughing: :smiley:

Many congratulations! Now you’re out of the frying pan, try to aviod the fire! Best of luck.

Many congratulations! Now you’re out of the frying pan, try to aviod the fire! Best of luck.

many thanks
but hopefully all will be ok as I am going back to a similar job to my previous one where they shut down in April.

Just like you big boys
I’ll basicly be tramping (class 2) but only delivering companies own goods, go to work Mon(or Sun aft) go home on Fri with any other nights at home a bonus.
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: