Lego Trucks

Wow the detail on these is amazing.

Poor little bloke putting his back in to it :slight_smile:.

The helicopter is acually in the air with a rotating blade made to look as if its flying clever stuff.

Formula one scene the detail yet again is awesome, especially on some of the bigger trucks.

When did Amtrak get in to F1?.:slight_smile::slight_smile:

Good stuff and very clever.

Good Pics :smiley:

Zb’ing speed cameras get everywhere!! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: I was thinking exactly the same thing Martin!

Great pics Alex, the attention to detail is, like you say, simply amazing. :open_mouth:

Rob K:
Great pics Alex, the attention to detail is, like you say, simply amazing. :open_mouth:


Amazing stuff- Excellent detail and excellent pics

Detail not that amazing, quite a few of those blokes should have been wearing a Hi Viz… :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Detail not that amazing

Stabilisers on the crane are stowed. Think the Lego HSE need to be called in.

Seriously thought the Lego bods don’t miss much, I went about three years ago and there was a little Lego man in a box suspended from a crane next to Tower Bridge, this was the day after David Blaine started his stunt in London. Also I thought it fitting how the Eurostars went through the tunnel into France.[/img]