Leeming bar accident northbound this morning

hi all

did anyone pass the lorry crash just before leeming bar northbound at about 530 this morning?
iwas southbound , didnt see much but 1lorry was onits side with load on carriageway

hope driver/ drivers are ok

Never saw it but local radio was saying accident involving 3 HGV’s
That’s all I know

I saw as much as finlays dad , there were enough rubber neckers to watch for without me adding to them .

hi all

did anyone pass the lorry crash just before leeming bar northbound at about 530 this morning?
iwas southbound , didnt see much but 1lorry was onits side with load on carriageway

hope driver/ drivers are ok

According to a local rag, only the pride of the blind truck driver who ran into two other trucks parked in a lay-by was hurt.

More info
yorkpress.co.uk/news/1080705 … s/?ref=rss

Not too dissimilar to this that happened to a mate on A19 …but he ran into the side of a tanker. Luckily both drivers were ok although the tanker driver wished it had been his alarm that woke him…not another truck. Lane assist device could of saved a lot of money and damage.
