Leaving digi cards in

started my shift at 13.42 on mon , then finished my shift at 23 .47 , wrote down finish time, kms and driving time. locked truck up,posted keys through letter box and went home then remembered half way home [ only 2/3 mins i left my card in , cant get the card as keys posted through letter box and no one in office until 6 oclock . the cards still on what it finished on which is other work so by the time i get it out its going to be a 16 hr 18 min shift ,
whats the best thing to do , print out then write on it , do you keep one on you if vosa pull you .its the second time ive done it , 1st time left it in all w/end :blush: :blush: .
frustrating sat here and theres nothing you can do till 6 in the morn
would also be so bad but keys are normally locked in box on outside wall but batteries so im told have gone so we were told to post keys through letter box tonight till they fix it :unamused: .oh well

Easily done. I think you can do a manual entry change when you finally take the card out but you need to be Professor Hawking to work out how to do it, I gave up trying to understand the instructions on this and I am an operator. Just do a printout and write on what happened and sign it. I have also stuck warning notices above the tacho and on the dash to remind the drivers to take the card out at night as when they leave it in by accident as you say it looks awful on the infringement sheet.