Anybody know what they are like to work for? I know in asking about a few recently but I am searching hard for a new job!
Don’t know what they are like to work for but I used to deliver there and it was a pain in the arse…
What sort of job you after?? Type of work etc??
yorkshire terrier:
Don’t know what they are like to work for but I used to deliver there and it was a pain in the arse…
What sort of job you after?? Type of work etc??
one a bit on agency not bad work a bit of handball a few tight delivery’s they have satnavs fitted rigid work.
Yeah class 2 I’ve applied for. Good idea with sat navs. What the planners like? Realistic or pushy?
yorkshire terrier:
Don’t know what they are like to work for but I used to deliver there and it was a pain in the arse…
What sort of job you after?? Type of work etc??
Sent you a pm mate