Latest tv and movies in the truck

Hi guys, just thought I’d share a couple of apps/websites with ya, showbox, and movietube, I find the latter the better for me on iPad, has billions of films, all the latest, the interview (the one that got pulled by Sony) the Foxcatcher, even though it doesn’t come out till later this week?
Happy viewing guys, should kill a couple of hours in cab, most are hd aswell if you prefer to cast to your tv at home.
Kind regards
Matt Wood

sounds worth a look cheers matt.

on a similar note got my old man one of them andriod boxes for his retirement and he says its great gets all the movies/footy/channels that i get with sky plus more.

said it was a mission to set up but worth it!

You do realise these are illegal copies of films, I’m shocked a member of this forum would be aware of such a thing. :open_mouth: :wink:

My tv has a built in dvd player. When I watch anything on there it doesn’t matter if the internet drops off…it just keeps playing!

am sure sky challenged the android tv box people and lost as its streaming of shows not downloading or something like that hence they are sold freely by amazon etc?

I’ve got Moviebox on my pad and when I’m at home (with wifi) I download a slack handfull of movies to watch whilst away. Tonight I’ll mainly be watching Sextape followed by The Equaliser. Last night it was X men days of something or other. Top app.

I can’t see the app in the App Store for either of these :frowning: sounds right up my street aswell!

I can’t see the app in the App Store for either of these :frowning: sounds right up my street aswell!

Go here;

and follow the instructions :smiley:

I have 21 year old student type pc whizz at home, useless git most of the time :unamused: but he is handy for getting movies on my laptop :smiley:
And I got the box set of Band of Brothers DVD for Christmas, should keep me going a little bit.

A tip, do not watch world war Z and the mothman prophecies on a stormy night after a few beers in the middle of no where :blush:

tip, do not watch world war Z and the mothman prophecies on a stormy night after a few beers in the middle of no where

There a some top tips on TNET, this is right up there :blush:

(I too, err, have a sensitive side…)


tip, do not watch world war Z and the mothman prophecies on a stormy night after a few beers in the middle of no where

There a some top tips on TNET, this is right up there :blush:

(I too, err, have a sensitive side…)

It was worse getting out in the dark howling gale to have a pee, their might have been bogiemen :blush:

Got a Flat Screen tv with dvd and freeview.
Sky via the Laptop.
Download Films through sky go on the laptop and watch them offline.
That’s what i do!! :sunglasses: :sunglasses:



tip, do not watch world war Z and the mothman prophecies on a stormy night after a few beers in the middle of no where

There a some top tips on TNET, this is right up there :blush:

(I too, err, have a sensitive side…)

It was worse getting out in the dark howling gale to have a pee, their might have been bogiemen :blush:

■■■■!!! :laughing: :laughing:

tango boy:



tip, do not watch world war Z and the mothman prophecies on a stormy night after a few beers in the middle of no where

There a some top tips on TNET, this is right up there :blush:

(I too, err, have a sensitive side…)

It was worse getting out in the dark howling gale to have a pee, their might have been bogiemen :blush:

■■■■!!! :laughing: :laughing:

:blush: :laughing:

sounds worth a look cheers matt.

on a similar note got my old man one of them andriod boxes for his retirement and he says its great gets all the movies/footy/channels that i get with sky plus more.

said it was a mission to set up but worth it!

Paid about 80 quid for my android box , all the movies , box sets , sky sports , bt sports , zillions of channels . Took a couple of minutes to link to wifi , bargain as I can watch UK sport with no monthly cost or dodgy streaming .



tip, do not watch world war Z and the mothman prophecies on a stormy night after a few beers in the middle of no where

There a some top tips on TNET, this is right up there :blush:

(I too, err, have a sensitive side…)

It was worse getting out in the dark howling gale to have a pee, their might have been bogiemen :blush:

Iv read on here that ‘real’ truckers don’t get out the cab for a pee, mind u iv also read that they sleep across the seats but only after sprinkling a few shards of broken glass on them first :smiley:

flat to the mat:

sounds worth a look cheers matt.

on a similar note got my old man one of them andriod boxes for his retirement and he says its great gets all the movies/footy/channels that i get with sky plus more.

said it was a mission to set up but worth it!

Paid about 80 quid for my android box , all the movies , box sets , sky sports , bt sports , zillions of channels . Took a couple of minutes to link to wifi , bargain as I can watch UK sport with no monthly cost or dodgy streaming .

sounds good am thinking of moviing my sky box to my daughters room so she can watch cbeebies etc and getting one in its place so i can watch sports without being moaned at!

Thanks to this post, i downloaded Moviebox on the i-pad last night, watched Alpha Papa this morning, i now have a que of 7 films that im downloading at the moment. :smiley: :smiley:

Good on yer Kindle. I’m midway through Gone Girl with Ben Affleck (it stars him, I’m not watching it with him obviously!) highly recommended.

Thanks to this post, i downloaded Moviebox on the i-pad last night, watched Alpha Papa this morning, i now have a que of 7 films that im downloading at the moment. :smiley: :smiley:

Did you use that link posted above? Am feart in case in gives aids/virus/hocus pocus