Latest diary and what car

day 1
a pretty much usual start to the trip , get everything sorted and be in pompey for the afternoon boat , its the bretagne , not a caen boat , the mont is off for a refit , only trouble with the bretagne it is a quite small boat , doesnt take that much frieght , i get off and spend the night in the port .
day 2
im heading for southern france and decide to let the tom tom be the boss today , it all starts well as i head down the 28 , round le mans then the 28 again for tours , im thinking n60 at tours accross then down , tom tom has other ideas and sends me up the a10 to orleans then down the 71 , im sceptical but go for it , once south of clermont ferrand i find somewhere on the a75 and park up .
day 3
down the 75 then onto the n88 i arrive at rodez , turn right and go through sebazac then 30 or so km of little roads that take ages i finally get to sebrazac ,

the address i have is local supermarket car park , trouble is there isnt a supermarket , lots of phone calls later and im heading for sebazac without an R which i went through 3 hours ago :imp: i find the supermarket and load an astra , locked , no keys , a right (zb) to load .

back on the 75 with the wind and rain the milau bridge still looks impressive

i run the card out parking in a picnic area on the a9 at perpignan
day 4
off at perpignan sud onto the n116 for a 120km trek up into the pyrenees to a village called osseja , some cool scenery .

no need for sally traffic here to tell me whats ahead , look down and see the road snaking away

i get to the garage and load this little tt

back to the 9 then into spain , after a quick stop in la jonquera its head south and see wjere i get , that turns out to be the peage at jcn37 (i think) south of tarragona .
day 5
i have an appointment at the guarda civil at 10 in a place called miami playa

i want a stolen recovered range rover , so we get on with the papers , a slow process , you cant rush these things once all done i get the keys and shown the car , problem , the key fob wont unlock it ok plan b use the key , the key wont unlock it ok plan c errr leave it :open_mouth: :laughing: . back on the a7 i get between valencia and alicante , a place called rafelcofer . this ones going to be a nightmare , its a stolen car that was abandoned in a cul de sac where a british couple live so they put it in their garden , there is lots going on between the police in the uk , the dvla , this couple , the spanish police , the insurance company . anyone whos anyone is involved in this so its no suprise to be parked up with phone calls and emails flying about . its getting stressful, to top it off the village idi … errrr this character turns up on his faithfull steed

i get out an offer dobbin a sugar lump to which the bloke snatches and eats :confused: the horse gives him a murderous look then proceeds to try and bite him … feeling guilty for causing this lovers tiff i resort to a different method so i clear my throat and loudly order a ham sandwich ( in spanish , im getting good) they both stop what there doing and look at me and i give a winning smile :smiley: he says si si si and dobin kind of says the same then darts of weaving down the middle of the road heading for the village centre . meanwhile phone calls finished i finally load a vauxhall zafira at 5pm

i never did see them two again .
ever lay awake at night wondering where oranges come from , no , me neither. here is a pic anyway

back on the motorway i do a late one and get as far as the shell services on the 92 between murcia and granada
day 6
a straight drive down to malaga where i stop off in churriana to find out where the next car is , armed with that info i go to the services at estepona for the weekend .
day 8
i leave mid morning and wander off to a compund in manilva and load a stolen recovered ford touneo

thens its a case of see how far you get , i aim for elche services and make it easily .

the snow capped mountains from the 92 .
day 9
a phone call at 9am sees me off to the exhibition centre in alicante where i load a stolen recovered volvo c70

go back to the police station at miami playa im told , i get there around 4pm , still cant open the car so i just drag it onto the beaver tail

to get the hieght down i gotta lower the front of the deck , its safe enough but looks worse than it is , it looks like the astra is hanging on for dear life

i finish off the day getting to the 1st picnic area in france .where i have errr a couple of well deserved drinks to celebrate my birthday .
day 10
im all nurafened up and ready for an easy day that sees me passins toulouse and bordeaux then wandering up the 10 as far as the services near tours called chatellerault.
day 11
an early start , im on the wait list for this afternoons boat and i want to get to caen early to be number 1 , when its the wait list its first come first serve , im number one and get on the boat no problems , the day ends in chichester
day 12
back to the yard to tip and sort the papers out then reload for newcastle for monday . this van is in one of the yards

ok its what car time .
1 …






Great diary as ever.

1; Toyota Lucinda
2; Vauxhall Astra
3; Vauxhall Corsa
4; Seat Ibiza
5; Citroen C3
6; Volkswagon Transporter.

Brilliant diary again lad,loads of variety in that job :smiley:

I think car no.1 is a Mitsubishi delica
4:Seat Ibiza
5:Citroen C3
6:VW Transporter/caravelle

As Twincam but a C2 not a C3 and are the Vaux’s actually Opel ones and you are trying to catch us out?

Thanks once again a great read and
wonderfull pictures as well

Thanks for another great diary and pics,you do really get around don’t you,see a lot of the country.
What happened to the white luton van,it looks like an elephant sat on it!
thanks and regards derek

It looks like that TT has been sideswiped by a British trucker in a Right handed truck :stuck_out_tongue:

Another excellent diary and pics from mad monk.

:blush: I won’t try the what car contest, cos I haven’t a clue, so I’m pleading “no contest.” :smiley:

well done as ever , i still havent fooled you lot
1 mitsubishi delica
2 astra
3 corsa
4 seat ibiza
5 citroen c2
6 vw transporter .

  1. Hyundai H-1

  2. Opel/Vauxhall Astra

  3. Opel Corsa

  4. Seat Ibiza

  5. Citroen C2

  6. Volkswagen Transporter / Caravelle

EDIT: Didn’t notice that the correct answers were already here :smiley:

great diary mr monk cheers!!

Mad Monk Great story and brilliant pictures .Must feel like your on Holiday and getting paid for a job you enjoy.

Great read and pictures, I’m just curious, if you were at junc 37 on the A7, south of Tarragona you would have been 2 km from my favorite truck park in Spain, the Grand Buffet, did you stop there or just parkj at the toll booths?

Ah, the ‘Grand Buffet’. Does it still have the illuminated knife & fork outside??

Spent many an evening there, I understand there’s “entertainment” within a short walking distance!! (yes, WALKING :open_mouth: ) :wink:


thats the one

although I can honestly say I have never been for that walk :wink:

Thanks yet again another wonderfull
read ,with great pictures as well,