Lake District

I need to get from Kendal to Workington. Is the A591 a HGV friendly route or should I go up the M6?

It’s the M6 A66 route A591 has a weight limit from Ambleside to A66.

It’s the M6 A66 route A591 has a weight limit from Ambleside to A66.

Thanks for that mate, appreciated.

I managed to find this as well if it helps anyone else ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ … 3502195526

Moght be a bit late, but there’s a bridge in Kendal on A6 (near station) which from memory is around 15’. So getting to M6 will depend on trailer height and which side of Kendal you are.

A6 to Shap M6 J39 or Windermere Road and then onto A591 towards M6 J36. Long way round but better road for HGV.

Don’t use J37 route as its a horrible road even in a car inc a very tight bend on a steep hill. Might not be doable in this weather.