KITAS what dose it mean?
KITAS is a no working visa, it is a temporary residence permit.
Credit goes to google on this.
As they say:
“Buy a man a fish and he will eat for a day, buy him a fishing rod and he will most likely sell it and buy a fish”
In tacho terms its Kienzle Intellegant tachograph sensor.
In tacho terms its Kienzle Intellegant tachograph sensor.
This is probably the right one.I’ve just read in Truck&Driver a story from a retired traffic police officer that most
police office now would not know what KITAS was they would think it a kite and a suzie is a tv presenter
I know how to use Google thank you .
Even on a tacho course at stoneridge hey don’t say what KITAS stands for
And to be honest no one thought to ask …All I can say is it is the sender screwed in to the gearbox that counts the output pulses…Doubt tha heps
It’s an encrypted sender, meaning it can’t just be swapped with another kitas sender it needs to be paired to the Tacho head. There’s kitas 1 & 2 and if memory serves me correctly they send a small pulse or 2 pulses between the actual pulses from the g’box output shaft for identification purposes.
Speedsender that dont like magnets…
Its a tipper trailer int it,no im wrong thats stikas