Kids in trucks

i used to go on the continent with my dad from the ages of about 7 - 14, and they were some of the best times ive ever had, ive been all over the place.

The kids these days don’t know they’re born, he’s got a Booster Seat, I used to have to strap Little Harry to the seat with a Spanset. :wink: :wink: :wink:

Pennorth of chips was only a ha’penny in them days.

David H:
His first word was D…D…D…Dunkerque!

David you can get a pretend dashboard with suction cups undeneath to stick to that table. All we need now is for fisher price to bring out a kids stoneridge/siemens tachograph!!!

well my three daughters love their dad to be cruel to them,in the holidays they are begging to come with me.they wont go to bed on time at home,but are attracted like magnets to the bunk in the truck?
but they especially love getting a hot choclate when i fill up at the shell garages.
what a cruel dad iam. :wink: :wink:

David H:

Caption Competition.

Q. Dad. What does NVW in the middle of the steering wheel mean?

Q. Dad. You know you said if I ate all those chocolates, I’d be sick…

Q. Dad. H Recovery. Does that man give elocution lessons to people that have dropped their ‘aitches’?

Q. Dad. I’ve just trod in some dog ■■■ and wiped my feet all over your seat.

Q. Dad. Does my arse look big in this?

My best trips were when I took my son or Daughter out with me, they loved it, (nearly as much as I did)

I would never ever take my wife out again though…She tidied my cab so well (read made a mess) I still can’t find stuff 2 years later.

This was taken when she was only 18 months old

didnt want to get out when i was finished!

He has his own Digicard (well, my old AA membership card with his passport photo glued to it!)

Harry Monk:
The kids these days don’t know they’re born, he’s got a Booster Seat, I used to have to strap Little Harry to the seat with a Spanset. :wink: :wink: .

I had a booster seat Harry. It was the engine hump in an old BRS Albion. :laughing:
Seriously though, the best time of my youth was going with the old man, and by the look on all the wee yins faces, I think they’d be pretty upset if told they couldn’t go again.


David H:

Caption Competition.

Q. Dad. What does NVW in the middle of the steering wheel mean?

Q. Dad. You know you said if I ate all those chocolates, I’d be sick…

Q. Dad. H Recovery. Does that man give elocution lessons to people that have dropped their ‘aitches’?

Q. Dad. I’ve just trod in some dog ■■■ and wiped my feet all over your seat.

Q. Dad. Does my arse look big in this?

caption competition: mr vosa man,i"m not even old enough to have a credit card,nevermind a digi-card!!!

My dad used to drive for British Beef and Williams Toffee works in Liverpool when I was a kid. He used to take me and my little brother all round the country during the summer holidays, we loved it, :wink:

I used to take my son, Vincent, on all maner of foreign jaunts.
Together we clocked-up 10 different European countries.

This is where he learned about the Euro drivers’ art of ‘cancelling.’ :wink:

Somehow we ended up near this well-known building in Brussels…

Then we ‘cancelled’ and went inside to see what it’s like…

Another time I took him to Vienna, here he is at the German/Austrian border at Suben…

That trip to Vienna wasn’t all plain sailing. :frowning:
I had to put Vincent in a safe place whilst I changed a blown out tyre on the Vienna ring-road…

Here we are again, this time we’re in Fredrikshavn, Denmark on our way back from Sweden…

Now back to reality…

The H&S bods would probably get a bit touchy if I did anything like that in these modern times. They can rest easy though, because those pics were all taken in the 80s and the ‘little’ chap is now 28 years old and 6’ 1" tall. :open_mouth:

Me?? Well, I’m still only 5’ 7" :grimacing:

I have 3 girls and at 2 an half 5 and 7 they are still into High School Musical, Hannah Montana and all that…but they love to come to the yard and see dads truck…they are top dollar at helping me clean lol, in fact we are off to clean “Rosco - Tara” in the morning.
Due to the work and unpredictable nature of what I do I cant take them with me now.

I used to take my lad out with me when I 1st started on the tippers just under 6 years ago, boss was fine with it…until we started branching out to others quarries.

Pull up to the weighbridge at a Bardon quarry…‘Sorry driver, can’t load you with him in there,kids not allowed in the quarry’

I replied ‘but its Saturday, there’s no-one in the quarry, he’s 5 years old and strapped into a carseat, do you really think he’s going to be running around??’

‘Rules are rules, you’re not getting loaded with him in the cab’

Took the ■■■■, but had to get loaded…so I left him with one of the women in the weighbridge, he was good as gold but thought he’d been naughty and thats why he wasn’t allowed in.

Haven’t taken him since, which is a shame because he used to enjoy it and I enjoyed having him out with me. :cry:

And rules in now that no-one under the age of 16 allowed in a quarry whether they’re in a truck or not :unamused:

Health and saftey rules are slowly grinding the country to a halt…when will normal service be resumed■■?

i think its just the way its going

i dont have any kids of my own, but as i said earlier, used to go everywhere with my dad, met some great people along the way too, most people loved kids in those days

these days maybe not so much, ill even admit to not really being fond of them myself, but any of the DCs i go to in melbourne are pretty vigilant about their NO PERSONS UNDER 16 on site, under any circumstances, and NO PASSENGERS UNLESS INDUCTED is another common one.

i refer back to some other thread i posted in last week :

what ever happened to going out, hook up the trailer, go to A, load the thing, go to B and tip it?

as long as you keep common sense about your head there should be no need for all this crap, all these rules and regulations are simply down to some numpty doing something very stupid, and people getting worried about liability, then you have the copycat regulations spreading like a virus.

I used to go with my dad as a kid when he worked for Crow Carrying and then also when he worked for Courtaulds, (glad I wasn’t there when he had his accident), and then later on with other companies, even after I’d got my HGV licence

oh happy days

Ive got twin boys, 11 now, and they argue whose turn it is to come they love it, god knows why but if theres anywhere slightly dodgy they hop up into the top bunk. I used to go with my old man when I was a nipper and loved it so I guess its just another generation on. Im all for it, in this job you dont see enough of them and it gives quality time together which can never be replaced.

I dont think it’s cruel i love going in the truck with my uncle never been to another country though just all the markets round london, and birmingham and loads of other bits all fun i cant do much apart from undo the curtains on the trialer if he has a curtiansider and stick the tickets in the pallets and get the tea for everyone hehe all good though :slight_smile:


see this sort of thing should be encouraged especilly with folk who are away tramping and such, i mean at that age seeing your kid mayby one or 2 days a week isnt enough. i know some jobs wouldnt allow it and fair enough but theres plenty of jobs that you can take them with you, multi drop. rdcs etc

im not saying taking your new born along with you cause thats just gonna be a pain int he backside plus they usually want their mothers more.but like when they can talka nd walk then its fine.

i used to go to my dads work at rosyth naval dockyard, even got to walk about on a submarine when i was 5 (my dad was one of the managers ont he refits of tem)

in his current job ive sat in eurofighters, been in a private jet down to farnbourgh air show and back in one day. ive also spent a week working there when i was 12 (work experience tho did actually get 100 quid for it lol.) now this is a big aerospace defense firm and im pretty much getting free roam of the place so why cant a kid go with his dad to work in a truck? lol h+s need to get a grip on reality.



David H:

Caption Competition.

Q. Dad. What does NVW in the middle of the steering wheel mean?

Q. Dad. You know you said if I ate all those chocolates, I’d be sick…

Q. Dad. H Recovery. Does that man give elocution lessons to people that have dropped their ‘aitches’?

Q. Dad. I’ve just trod in some dog ■■■ and wiped my feet all over your seat.

Q. Dad. Does my arse look big in this?

caption competition:
Q.So you think I cut you up ehhhhh Come up here and say that