Ken Bruce gets the chop!

They should get rid of Wogan…Rambling idiot… :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

I totally agree with you posting that twice to makethe point, they guy is a rambling buffoon

I like Ken Bruce and the fact that he is too old is funny. He needs some energy to keep breeding them kids :laughing: I think he has 26 now. To be honest it will make my decision to listen to the Pork Meister easier :stuck_out_tongue:

Why oh why get rid of a decent programme with decent listening figures. I listen to Ken and really enjoy the show… it’ll be a shame to see him go and to be replaced by Simon Mayo… well thats another reason to switch over to CD’s for 4.5 hrs.

Pity my boss wont get me a DAB radio, otherwise I’d be permently tuned into Kerrang! radio.

BRING BACK RAY MOORE - Oh, they can’t :blush:

i dont like ken bruce and 2011 is a helluva time to wait. i thought zoe ball did a fantastic job standing for ken ( im not funny ) bruce a few weeks back. simon mayo is ok.

terry wogan… now that is one old fossil who needs to be rehomed in a museum. his jokes are’nt funny his crap songs he makes up are’nt funny and i just avoid him.

sarah kennerdy i like her and find her quite entertaining, i think she suits that time in the morning and i dont want banging music at that time just some easy listening.

I agree with JD Zoe Ball did a good job when she stood in for Ken

I agree with JD Zoe Ball did a good job when she stood in for Ken

she was ok, much better than last year when Davina Mcall did it :imp: :imp: :imp:

Denis F:

I agree with JD Zoe Ball did a good job when she stood in for Ken

she was ok, much better than last year when Davina Mcall did it :imp: :imp: :imp:


noway davina is going on radio 2.

Really gutted ,
one of the main reasons i got listening to R2 !
looks like back to local for me !

Denis F:
plenty of time yet

Bruce, 57, is expected leave the station after Radio 5 Live completes its long-awaited moved to Manchester around 2011.


Denis, this does date back to November.

This is more up-to-date, though the source isn’t quite as respectable… :wink:

I use the R2OK! forum quite a bit, and it’s old news in there. Comes out of a rumour put about by the Daily Mail, who along with the Guardian own most of the commercial stations in the UK, so my guess is it’s scaremongering.

gnasty gnome:
Denis, this does date back to November.
This is more up-to-date, though the source isn’t quite as respectable… :wink:

I use the R2OK! forum quite a bit, and it’s old news in there. Comes out of a rumour put about by the Daily Mail, who along with the Guardian own most of the commercial stations in the UK, so my guess is it’s scaremongering.

last time I heard it he was being replaced by Nicky Campbell :wink:

I listen to radio 2 (i am 36 is it to young)i don’t listen to kennedy or worgan i do listen to ken/steve/chris. i agree zoe ball did do a good job when she stood in for ken :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

If it’s in the Sun it must be … well I hope it’s true :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

my mornings are not goin to be the same sarah kenndy terry wogan then poor old ken save the bruce :l :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

makes me laugh poor old ken bruce is just the same as the rest of us. if radio 2 want rid of him he will be going, and also the last to know.
there is no smoke without fire.

Ken is 57…the change is in 2011

Ken will be 60 in 2011 presuming he hasnt had a birthday this year yet.

Could be he is planning on retiring at 60 anyway and the media as usual put 2 and 2 together and come up with any number except 4

Hang on ! Wogan is about 103 isnt he?. Dont get me wrong I,m not a Bruce fan.But Kennedy ,Wright and even Evans bore me silly.I now listen between Rock Radio or Key 103.Mike Sweeney has turned up on Rock Radio along with Ste Berry from Top Gear.Its not too bad.

I like Ken Bruce, Not so keen on Wogan he has been there too long and is to self opinionated for me. Not a big fan of Sarah Kenendy either.
Think Chris Evans has come on leaps and bounds since his Radio 1 days. Although still really like Johnny Walker, he did a great show on Saturday night going back to his pirate radio days.
And Zoe Ball has done a couple of really good stand in’s for both Jonathan Ross and Ken Bruce. Maybe they could use her more often as a stand in, although I Richard Allisons good in that role as well.

further to my post on this topic.

I agree, Zoe Ball did do a fantastic job standing in for Ken Bruce, but to be honest if they want to keep listening figures up then there is only one logical choice to replace him and that is Richard Allinson. He makes it fresh and “sparkley” and he always plays a long song, which I’ve noticed Ken Bruce has stopped doing of late, after Pop Master. Johnny Walker is currently standing in for TW this week and thats always worth a chuckle or two. So my listening to Radio 2 is dropping rapidly as there is only a few I will listen to…

Alex Lester
Terry Wogan (JW this week)
Ken Bruce
Steve Wright
Chris Evans
Bob Harris

I’ve just thought I dont really listen to radio 2 that much, with only 6 out of quite a few presenters. I absolutely refuse to listen to it on a Saturday and only listen to Johnny on a Sunday.

further to my post on this topic.

I agree, Zoe Ball did do a fantastic job standing in for Ken Bruce, but to be honest if they want to keep listening figures up then there is only one logical choice to replace him and that is Richard Allinson. He makes it fresh and “sparkley” and he always plays a long song, which I’ve noticed Ken Bruce has stopped doing of late, after Pop Master. Johnny Walker is currently standing in for TW this week and thats always worth a chuckle or two. So my listening to Radio 2 is dropping rapidly as there is only a few I will listen to…

Alex Lester
Terry Wogan (JW this week)
Ken Bruce
Steve Wright
Chris Evans
Bob Harris

I’ve just thought I dont really listen to radio 2 that much, with only 6 out of quite a few presenters. I absolutely refuse to listen to it on a Saturday and only listen to Johnny on a Sunday.

not a bad list, I usually give THE BIG SHOW a miss though but Radcliff & Maconi (sp) are worth a listen, and totally agree with you comments about Alice Richardson :wink: