Keeping record for none hgv driving days

Hi There,
I am just stating a new duty at work where me and another driver rotate on a two week rotation:
2 weeks hgv driving then 2 weeks van driving.
Im i correct that i do not have to keep a record for the weeks when driving the van but if im asked to drive a vehicle fitted with a taco I will have to fill tacos in (Name/Date/Start/Finish) for the days when i have driven the van.
Many Thanks.

Welcome to Trucknet-UK wotto :wink:

Hi There,
I am just stating a new duty at work where me and another driver rotate on a two week rotation:
2 weeks hgv driving then 2 weeks van driving.
Im i correct that i do not have to keep a record for the weeks when driving the van but if im asked to drive a vehicle fitted with a taco I will have to fill tacos in (Name/Date/Start/Finish) for the day when i have driven the van.
Many Thanks.

Yes you are right.

If in any week you drive to EU regulations you will need to complete a record for the none LGV driving days, this will just need to be what you said (Name/Date/Start/Finish).
Weeks when you don’t drive the LGV you don’t need to use a tachograph chart/card.

Many Thanks for your reply tachograph