Keeping In Touch With Family Via A Truck Computer & Webc

Hello Everyone,

I have after many days of thinking come up with a great way to stay in touch with the family, my fellow truckers at trucknetuk and a solution to boredom while driving and taking breaks.

The In-Cab-Computer (like the name?) is an invention that ive been thinking about for a while, it is basically a shoebox computer, with a 10 inch touch screen mounted on a flexi-bracket, it powers of the truck and is great when connected to a mobile communication card that slots in to give you internet access, ive attached a webcam and now can keep in touch with family and friends while im on the road.

What do you think about the idea? ive spoken to a mate of mine who is a wiz kid with computers and he thinks that if there is demand for something like this it may be worth while having proper units made and proper brackets, but before i commit any hard earned money into the project, id like some feedback from you lot.



Would depend on the price, you could do all this with a laptop and they are getting cheaper and cheaper.


It is true that a laptop can be used, however, unless the laptop has one VERY long battery life or if it is powered of the truck it is unlikely to work for more than an hour!

The total for my setup set me back £400 and it looks very impressive inside the cab, I have the flexi bracket positioned so that it is at arms length while i am driving and since i listen to Internet radio alot, i have configured it as my entertainment system.

Laptop are getting cheap, not a doubt but they dont really have the same appeal as my setup, all depends on how much you want to personalise a cab.

any photos of it as it is and as it is set up in the cab :question: that way people can give thoughts on presentation :bulb:

And if it looks like another new gadget, Coffee will have one from you :stuck_out_tongue:

If you can make it match his go box and fit it symetrically that is :smiley:

Nah Malc, I’ve already got all that anyway what with laptop, 15" screen (inches are important I’m told :wink: ), internet access. Powered from truck Can watch TV, AVIs, DVDs on it. Hooked through the cab speakers for MP3 playback. Route finding. Print delivery notes and other paperwork etc etc. I think the laptop is more versatile and powering laptops from the truck is no problem these days with invertors being so cheap.

You could just use a G3 phone dont know the costs though.!

Hi Kal6383 welcome to Trucknet UK. As kitkat
as said above a few photos would be good as
It does sound a good idea :slight_smile: .

Kal your idea sounds good…but what it cost you may not cost anyone else…it could be higher so as to make it viable…i will stick with Neils ideal laptop at the moment…for he will sell it to me cheap when he gets his new one and i will have saved £200… :laughing: :laughing: …but back to the drawing board Kal…
have a nice day