Keep getting emails from this forum

I keep getting email notifications on my phone and in my hotmail account and it’s doing my swede in. I’ve tried turning them off from there but they keep coming in on every single thread I look on. Can I stop them from here?

You should only be getting email notifications about threads you’ve subscribed to by posting in them or selecting “Subscribe” at the bottom of the page.

There are two options that I know of to stop your problem, if you still want to get email notifications when you’re at home get another email address and use that for email notifications here.
As long as you don’t set that account up on your phone you won’t get bothered by the notifications but will still be able to get them when you’re at home.

The other option is if you don’t want any notifications at-all just go to “User Control Panel/Board Preferences/Edit Posting Defaults/Notify me by default” deselect it.

Hi tacho, no i get them every minute or so when ever i am just viewing a thread that i havent even posted in.
But i think i might have cured it now, i done what you said in my user control panel.
Cheers mate :grimacing: