Justice has been done

Another campaign to slur a fine standing member of the best political party in the U.K.

Congratulations Mr Griffin from all your supporters in the U.K. haulage industry.


Maybe they will leave him alone now and let him get on with his fight for political leadership.

glad he got off withit…hopefully BNP will get more votes in the futre

Spot on,Jammy.Great News!
When you look at the trumped up charges the establishment tried to convict him with it’s ridiculous it ever got this far.
Remember, this was a re-trial,the first trial was back in Feb 2006.
He was accused of ,wait for it,calling Islam a,“wicked vicious faith”.
Is that it,thousands of pounds of taxpayer’s money squandered on a kangaroo court trial,that has made the establishment an even bigger laughing stock than they are now.
Now this is behind him,Nick Griffin can start to concentrate on the elections to come and the salvation of our country.
I want my country back and the BNP/UKIP are our only hope.

He was accused of ,wait for it,calling Islam a,“wicked vicious faith”.

Since when was it illegal to tell the truth in this country?.

This whole fiasco was caused by the BBC (Blair Broadcasting Crap).
Wonder when the P.C. BBC is going to do an undercover documentary on Muslims. Especially the ones that were released from Guantanamo Bay and are as we speak indoctrinating the next wave of impressionable young suicide bombers into trying to kill and maim British citizens as they go about their everyday lives.
I won’t hold my breath!

he was lucky :wink:

Quote from Nick Griffin outside court.
“They cannot take our hearts, they cannot take our cause and they cannot take our freedom”.
Inspirational stuff from the main man.
Eat your heart out, Mel Gibson.

Denis F:
he was lucky :wink:

No Denis he wasnt lucky he was justifiably innocent, as proven by the law of the land luck has no say in it.


He was accused of ,wait for it,calling Islam a,“wicked vicious faith”.

Since when was it illegal to tell the truth in this country?.

Since Blair & Co came into power, that’s when!

Looks like Sour Grapes from the laughing boy (Gordon Brown).
To think this bad loser is probably going to be the next PM is downright scary.
news.uk.msn.com/Article.aspx?cp- … id=1251249
The quicker extremists like Blair,Campbell and Cameron are removed from political power and from this island the better!

Looks like Sour Grapes from the laughing boy (Gordon Brown).
To think this bad loser is probably going to be the next PM is downright scary.
news.uk.msn.com/Article.aspx?cp- … id=1251249
The quicker extremists like Blair,Campbell and Cameron are removed from political power and from this island the better!


Looks like this government is going to move the legal goalposts in another attempt to shackle the bnp and unip which i think is a b----y disgrace which they should not be able to do without consulting the electorate who put them were they are.

Essentially, Nick Griffin was on trial for claiming that Islam was a “wicked vicious faith” and he went on trial on the very same week that a Muslim was convicted of displaying, in a public place, a placard which read “Behead those who insult Islam”.

For that reason alone, it was right that Griffin was cleared.

The three stooge mainstream political parties are totally out of touch with the British people.
We don’t want immigrants from Eastern Europe and Muslim countries flooding Britain,but Blair decides otherwise.
We don’t want to be part of a United States of Europe,where foreigners are able to dictate what we can or cannot do,again Blair decides he knows best.
We don’t want the Human Right’s Act you introduced in 1998,where criminals have more rights than the victims,again Mr Blair,you decided you know best.
We didn’t want pointless/expensive talking shops in Edinburgh and Cardiff,again you decided otherwise,
Is it any wonder the BNP/UKIP are on the rise all over the country.
You and Major have done more damage to this country than Hitler ever could have and you have wrapped it up very cleverly in the word,“Democracy”.
You and your kind,Mr Blair,shall reap the whirlwind that is coming and you will only have yourselfs to blame,because you will not listen to what the British people want!

Harry Monk:
Essentially, Nick Griffin was on trial for claiming that Islam was a “wicked vicious faith”.

It is and you can see that from the barbaric way these people behave in whichever country they happen to be in

tossers the lot of em


Harry Monk:
Essentially, Nick Griffin was on trial for claiming that Islam was a “wicked vicious faith”.

It is and you can see that from the barbaric way these people behave in whichever country they happen to be in

no, some Muslims are fanatics and extremists , most are not !

you can’t judge a race or religion by a few extremists

every religion has extremists ( even Christianity !) the trick is not to let the extremists stir up trouble :wink:

Denis F:


Harry Monk:
Essentially, Nick Griffin was on trial for claiming that Islam was a “wicked vicious faith”.

It is and you can see that from the barbaric way these people behave in whichever country they happen to be in

no, some Muslims are fanatics and extremists , most are not !

you can’t judge a race or religion by a few extremists

every religion has extremists ( even Christianity !) the trick is not to let the extremists stir up trouble :wink:

cant agree Denis F.
muslims are brainwashed by their imans from an early age into beliving
any non islamics are evil and told not to associate with any non muslims
unless taking your money in their shop.
i keep hearing polititions banging on about integration. but living in bradford
for the last 16 years i know it will never happen.
even in iraq where everyone is muslim they are still killing each other cos
one interprets the koran diferently from his neighbour.
its just a matter of time before it all kicks off again here in bradford, they
still hate us for putting up with their filth.

They are all the same they hate us because we wipe our arses they hate us because we eat pork the hate us because our women dont wear stupid fanatic masks, they hate us because we drink alcohol, they hate us because of our freedom of speech and democracy, Thats not extremist thats their religion that teaches them that.

They just hate anyone who is not a muslim.

They are all the same they hate us because we wipe our arses they hate us because we eat pork the hate us because our women dont wear stupid fanatic masks, they hate us because we drink alcohol, they hate us because of our freedom of speech and democracy, Thats not extremist thats their religion that teaches them that.

They just hate anyone who is not a muslim.

I agree totally,you dont hear the sikhs,hindus,jews buddists kicking off all the time,they just get on with it,and I dont have any problems with any other religion whatsoever.
but everywhere and i mean everywhere where the muslims are present there is some sort of trouble,Iraq Iran,Sudan,Somalia,some of the russian states (remember the school hijacking and slaughter a couple of years ago)Pakistan,Indonesia,Afghanistan.etc etc
I think if the Muslim people who live in western countries who dont want to obey western ideals,should be given a muslim state to live in where they can chop each others heads off a blow each other up etc etc ,drop a nuke on em and hey presto 80% or thereabouts of the worlds problems would be solved overnight :laughing: :laughing:
Sorry for being a bit of an extremist :unamused:

Its ok for these haters of the western society to use the lastest mobile phones,wear american clothing,nike trainers under their jilbabs,a lot of em drink alcohol use computers (all western technology)and they say hate our infidel ways.
All the time on the news in the papers its always the muslims demanding this and demanding that,some of em are ok but some of these people i.e that you get on Jeremy Vine,just make normal people hate em even more

They are trying to change OUR way of life and that is unacceptable,they either live the British way of life or ■■■■ off to a Muslim country,instead of the politicians bowing down to them all the time :angry: :angry: :angry:


Totally agree with everything you say mate.The trouble is that a lot of these do-gooders and polititions do not live in areas were there are large concentrations of our ethnic cousins and therefore have no idea of the problems they think they know everything about.

regards dave

Politicos need votes to keep them in the comfort that they are used to & will do anything for them. The Muslims that are living here are like children that are trying out the boundaries. I think they are quite surprised that no-one has yet said ." STOP!!"