just wondering

Hello all. I’m doing my fith dcpc today so obviously won’t received my card in time for the deadline. However I have know been told on more than one occasion that they are going to allow you to continue to do be without it as long as you can prove you’ve done your 35hours, ie: course certificates, until you receive your card. Just wondering if anyone else had been told this.

Company policy here states no driver will be given keys to any unit and requested to go home until they are in possession of a valid dqc.

If the law says different then it’s down to company policy.

I’m sat in last one myself today. I assume that the likes of VOSA/DVSA can check online if they stop you. I’m just gonna ask not to do Europe till my card turns up as I don’t fancy trying to explain in another language where it is.

You need to keep course certificates or any supporting paperwork with you whilst you wait for the card. Official warning for not carrying it still but no £50 fixed penalty. If you’ve got mobile internet I guess you could show them online.

Depending where in Europe if it isn’t enforced in that country domestically yet I can’t imagine they’d be checking but I agree it could be an expensive gamble.

I got stopped this week by them & it never even came up, never asked for the card & I never offered. I know it’s still before the deadline but I thought they might have brought it up.
I’ve always thought that, given the amount of lorries on the roads against the amount of officers & locations to stop & check you the chances of getting stopped would be slim.

Hello all. I’m doing my fith dcpc today so obviously won’t received my card in time for the deadline. However I have know been told on more than one occasion that they are going to allow you to continue to do be without it as long as you can prove you’ve done your 35hours, ie: course certificates, until you receive your card. Just wondering if anyone else had been told this.

As long s you’ve completed the 35 hours training you can continue to drive in the UK while waiting for the DQC to arrive, make sure you carry the certificates with you though.

Got it straight from the horses mouth so to speak.


I got stopped this week by them & it never even came up, never asked for the card & I never offered. I know it’s still before the deadline but I thought they might have brought it up.
I’ve always thought that, given the amount of lorries on the roads against the amount of officers & locations to stop & check you the chances of getting stopped would be slim.

Yes, I would say they have been asking as a matter of course for a while now as a customer asked me ‘what’s this DCPC all about?’ as a result after one of their drivers being pulled earlier in the year and asked for his card.