Just something I came across

On the way back from a Job in Nottinghamshire I popped in to see a colleague on another job near Leicester. Oh, and to supply some icecream :slight_smile: :smiley:

There were a few old trucks there, communing with nature :slight_smile:

It’s an 800x600 image at 16 million colours, but I’m only just getting into playing with images…

Nice Pic :smiley:

I originally thought the colour one looked nice, then was playing around with some graphics software…

There are quite a few old trucks still out there… Not necessarily on the road.

From where the photo was taken, there was a wonderful view over Leicestershire as it was quite a nice day…

I’ve had a look online but can’t find much in reference to that company. However, the land it was on had other HGVs around, but I can’t remember what their names were.

If I get a chance I might go back and ask them if I can take more photos than just the few I took there… :blush: :open_mouth: :confused: :sunglasses: :laughing:

Blimey :exclamation: It’s one of C Butts new trucks :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Look! The back axle has wheels with tread on it :wink:

But what is it ?

It looks a bit like an AEC of the late Fifties or early Sixties, maybe a Mercury or Mandator unit, the lines of the cab look similar, the chrome wheelnut protecting trim looks AEC-ish.

It’s a Mark V AEC Mandator with a Park Royal cab.

It’s a Mark V AEC Mandator with a Park Royal cab.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Can you give me a active service date too :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Without consulting the AEC bible, at a guess I’d say from 1958-ish until the introduction of the Ergo-cabbed models in 1965.

The C&U regs saw a fair few into the hands of the gas-axe, but there were some that worked into the seventies.

didn’t he play for spurs?! nice photo

Without consulting the AEC bible, at a guess I’d say from 1958-ish until the introduction of the Ergo-cabbed models in 1965.

The C&U regs saw a fair few into the hands of the gas-axe, but there were some that worked into the seventies.

We’ve seen worse than that restored to their former glory, haven’t we??

Come to that, JRN would look worse if we parked it in some grass!!

We certainly have.

It looks like it’s still got the AV690 in it - relatively complete apart from the grill.

JRN would look good in a safari setting - but not left for too long…

A plastic Mandator.

Remember them well, bees knees in their day, was talking to a driver standing by my old Albion
one day, and he was telling me how they were all getting Mandators at his firm. Eyes like saucers I had :unamused: .

However, I also remember that snap off radiator filler cap, not a nice gentle unscrew job like the Mk1 Atki.
Very dangerous if you weren’t quick after a bit of a boil up :blush: .

Salut, David.

Sorry?? Plastic??

The cabs on Park Royal Mandators were made from aluminium/steel - there’s no plastic in them.

Sorry?? Plastic??

The cabs on Park Royal Mandators were made from aluminium/steel - there’s no plastic in them.

You must be right, memory playing tricks, I could have sworn they were fibreglass. Ah well, back to
snooze control :frowning: .

Salut, David.

Here’s one that has been looked after, the picture and notes are from this site,

users.waitrose.com/~vangasto … 0gyles.htm

Mandator Mk V
PDJ 519
Martin Wainright’s Mandator Mk V climbing Shap on the 2003 North of England run.

Nice picture Dave, but aaargh; that 4-in-line trailer. Horror.
Slightly less than even pressure in each and they were all over the road, and as for a blowout. - Nightmare.
Even if you lived through the experience, changing the wheel was uniquely awkward.

Good memories of the Mandator though :slight_smile:

Salut, David.

Agreed, those trailers were terrible things. I took one, over thirty years ago, from Hatfield to Liverpool and the outer offside tyre blew, on the M6 near the old Fort Dunlop place. Had no option but change it myself on the hard shoulder, which was narrow there. Just to it worse, I had one of those Ford D Series V8 units and it was pouring down. It wasn’t all fun in the old days.